Commissioned Art Work
Portrait Painter
None of this work can be copied without permission from
Artist, Elizabeth Cameron. All work is copyrighted.
This is a page devoted to the dogs, our best friends!
If you love dogs, you should also check out my book page.
My Nephew, Andy Burrows (& Charlie)
I added flowers at left to soften & complement Andy's portrait.
I wanted a painting that he'd be
proud to own when
he grew up; something classic and in neutral tones.
"Clever" for Sue & Jim Jensen
Clever is one of the Jensen's four dogs.
They had me do a head study of each,
and they hang
in a row over the couch.
This way when they add dogs, they can add portraits!
(Jim hung a photo
print of each portrait in his office too.)
"Joggeli" for Gisela Baltensperger
This painting was done as a surprise for Gisela's husband. He had built the
grey barn for her,
so she wanted to include that in this portrait of his
favorite dog. A normally 'hard to move' man, he was
thrilled with this
Christmas present! He then commissioned a portrait of her Arabian with their new
puppy, older dog and cats.
"Timmy" Owned by Jon Dahl
Painted for an expert showman and breeder of Irish Setters. This dog
had a lovely sought after,
mahogany coloring. It was larger
than life, Oil 18 x 24.
"Will Sparks & Brandy"
This was done for Will's graduation present. It will hang over
his parents fireplace until Will
has his own house.
"The Artist at Work"
Self portrait with Wolf and Skippy. This was done as a joking commentary
on how some
people think an artist get to spend her time, tiara and all!
"Shall we go to the barn Skip?"
Skippy loved to go to the barn. He died at age 14
and this eager look is how I remember him best.
This was a watercolor-mixed-media painting.
The previous painting showing Skippy when he was
younger is an oil.
Videos: How I Paint
The Love of Grays
2009 Paintings!
Paintings That Are For Sale
Corporate Casual
The Stier-Johnson Family
The Cameron Family Portraits
Artist Biography
Paintings From 2006!
...Continuing The Paintings From 2006!
Carriage Driving!
Paintings From 2004-2005
Foxhunt & Hound Series
More Progress In The Foxhunt & Hound Series
My cartoon books
Page 1. - Portraits
Page 2. - Portraits
Page 3. - Portraits
Page 4. - Portraits
Page 5. - Portraits
Page 6. - Portraits
Page 7. - Portraits
Page 8. - Dog Portraits
Page 9. - More Dog Portraits
Page 10. - Flower Paintings In Bloom
Page 11. - Dogs, Dogs & More Dogs!
Page 12. - Never Too Many Dogs!
Page 13. - Dogarama Spectacular!
Page 14. - Life With Horses
Page 15. - Hunting & Horses
Page 16. - Sibling & Scenics
Page 17. - Childhood Horses & Puppy Pix
Page 18. - Horse Portraits
Faerietale Farm Reality
Procedures & Prices