Commissioned Art Work
Portrait Painter
None of this work can be copied without permission from
Artist, Elizabeth Cameron. All work is copyrighted.
Carriage Driving!
(...and chuck wagons too!)
I've painted a few driving portraits
over the years, and I'd love to do more!
oil on canvas 14x24 1997
Marilyn and Harry Radtke driving their
lovely Fijord mare, Siva. Their faithful friend
Cognac romps alongside.
Marilyn & Harry are in
a restored antique tub cart.
Friends and family call them 'the honeymoon couple'
indeed, they are as happy as they look in the painting.
I made prints for their family as Harry and Marilyn
have the original oil in their kitchen.
Here are the photos I worked from.
Marilyn Radtke wrote:
"Harry and I have enjoyed the painting of Siva,
Coni and us
from the day we picked it up.
It was our 40th anniversary picture and
a treasure to last our life time and beyond.
Our Coni is in dog heaven, Siva is 18,and we are
looking forward to our 50th anniversary next year.
Libby did a
painting of our Liza that is just as delightful.
She is now a 12 year old mare, and we are glad we will always
have that image of our much loved
Norwegian Fjord mare with
a long mane.
In addition we commissioned a
painting of our friend Sue Frenzel's
Morgan stallion Garfield which was featured in
the Morgan Horse
publication. Every time I see it hanging in Sue's home,
I remember him
as the younger horse he was then. He passed into horse
heaven almost 4
years ago. God has created all of these treasures, and
you have saved them
for us. Thanks Libby!" Harry and Marilyn Radtke
"Sven & Pilgrim with Timmy & Hundi"
This painting was commissioned by Sven's parents,
Ingrid and Carlos Krause,as a gift for Sven's
grandmother. Sven likes driving so much, he
his own harness out of baling twine when
the tackroom was locked one day!
Sven's mother Ingrid raises Haflingers near Madison, WI
and is a well known Midwestern whip.
"Happy So Far"
watercolor with colored pencil combination 1993
for Cheryl and Aidan Mullett
This was done from the only photo his heartbroken owners had.
The day before they were to move out west, Happy lost his life
in a tragic blow from a pasture buddy. There was not a lot
of detail to go by in the photo but his personality
sure came shining through.
"Tibor Kovacs"
oil 20x24 on canvas 1991
This scene shows whip Tibor Kovacs competing in the cross country
phase of the Villa Louis Carriage Classic in Prairie Du Chien, Wisconsin.
I often helped groom with the team so I painted a self-portrait at far right!
I also liked showing my friend Susie Jensen typically peeking up like a little
prairie dog as we zoomed along! Tibor drove that team through
places you'd swear were two feet narrower than
the carriage! He had amazing nerve and skill.
The team belonged to Ms. Nikki Keland, and were Hungarian
Warmbloods hitched Hungarian style to a Hungarian shooting break.
I created 16"x19" limited edition prints of this painting and
entitled it "Raising Dust." Please email me for availability.
"Kathy Cookin'In Texas"
oil 24x30 on canvas 1998
I got my Meadowbrook from Kathy Christenson.
She had a chuckwagon she wanted painted and I
included all her past and present horses and dogs!
It was fun to put the composition
together from the many photos she sent me.
"Donna Zimmerman & Petal Brook Odyssey"
oil 16x20 on canvas 2002
"PB" was Donna's beloved Morgan stallion of many years.
When he died she commissioned this memorable painting
showing many aspects of their happy moments together in a time line collage.
"Tom & Jerry Hays"
watercolor mixed-media 1993
This was a surprise for my neighbor's husband.
She snuck a photo to me and asked that it be done
in time for Christmas. They run the feed store
so you bet I got it done! :-)
"Morgan Grand National Program Cover"
watercolor mixed-media
"Quality Time" is a collage I was honored to create for the biggest
Morgan horse show there is! Unsigned poster prints are
available through the National Museum of the Morgan Horse.
My models included my
niece, and the sire of my mare.
It was a thrill to see my design lit up with
fireworks at the grand finale in the arena!
It is fun to have my work used on programs and publications.
Please email me for permission or perhaps a
custom painting can be done!
Do you have friends & family who care
about their loved ones like you do?
Please let them know how I can be of service.
Your referrals are my best compliment!
Thank you.
Videos: How I Paint
The Love of Grays
2009 Paintings!
Paintings That Are For Sale
Corporate Casual
The Stier-Johnson Family
The Cameron Family Portraits
Artist Biography
Paintings From 2006
...Continuing The Paintings From 2006!
Carriage Driving!
Paintings From 2004-2005
Foxhunt & Hound Series
More Progress In The Foxhunt & Hound Series
My cartoon books
Page 1. - Portraits
Page 2. - Portraits
Page 3. - Portraits
Page 4. - Portraits
Page 5. - Portraits
Page 6. - Portraits
Page 7. - Portraits
Page 8. - Dog Portraits
Page 9. - More Dog Portraits
Page 10. - Flower Paintings In Bloom
Page 11. - Dogs, Dogs & More Dogs!
Page 12. - Never Too Many Dogs!
Page 13. - Dogarama Spectacular!
Page 14. - Life With Horses
Page 15. - Hunting & Horses
Page 16. - Sibling & Scenics
Page 17. - Childhood Horses & Puppy Pix
Page 18. - Horse Portraits
Faerietale Farm Reality
Procedures & Prices