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In the name of the Father


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"Faslely accused. Wrongly imprisoned. He fought for justice to clear his father's name."


'In The Name Of The Father' tells us about a true story. A theif of belfast who mainly spends his time getting drunk and partying, much to the dismay of his father Guiseppe. Over time Gerry upsets the IRA and his father sends him to England, where it ends him being in the wrong place at the wrong time. An innocent man who was forced to confess to a savage terrorist bombing, he was sentenced to life imprisonment as one of the "Guildford four".
Gerry's father, Guiseppe is also arrested and jailed and while behind bars, Gerry slowly leanrs that his father's seeming weakness masks an unmatched inner strength and wisdom.
Working with a very dedicated lawyer, Gerry determines to prove his innocence, to clear his father's name and exposes the truth behind all the facts.
In this movie we are presented with many different characters which all use power and different stages. When the Conlon's house is raided in the middle of the night, Power is represented by the poilce because of the use of spotlights on the house and then on Gerry which makes him powerless. The poilce can burst into their house unannouced which gives them power over the Conlon's family.
When Gerry is being held for interrogation there are long periods of silence which intimidates him and makes him feel powerless. When the police raid Gerry's house they are dressed in grey suits and look very well groomed, where as Gerry is dragged out of bed without anytime to make himself look respectable.
There is very good use of key-hole shots. Gerry is being watched, and being held against his will, in a very confinde space. The police are un concerned about what is happening in the cell, and the use of high angle shots show that they are all looking down on him.
There is a large campaign for release orgainised by McAndrew, it is televised and then the riot squad are brought in to quell the protest. Within the convicted persons there is a lot of power shown.
Giuseppe, Gerry's father, tells Gerry "they can't block out the light in here" (pointing to his head). Giuseppe's way of coping with institutional power is similar to the way Andy copes in The Shawshank Redemption.
When Giuseppe dies the guards are very compassionless where as the inmates at the prison fly burning paper out their windows as a symbolic gesture. This also shows that they are also feeling for Gerry durning this very hard time.
Pierce (Gerry's lawyer) gets access to Gerry's files, but chance and there is a close up on the note that says "not to be shown to the defense" By this time Gerry has been in prison for 15 years. These seven words could have saved an innocent man's life.....
Near the end of the film in the re-trial and clearing, we can see the difference that jail has made to the characters. Gerry's hair was tightly slicked back. He looked more mature, and a lot more controlled and composed. Instead of making an ourburst in the court room Gerry suppresses his fustration, and that reflects on his maturity.