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Monday August 21, 8:56 pm Eastern Time

Celebs Read Fantasy on the Net To Help Kids With AIDS: Online Chat With Author August 24th, 7:00 PM Eastern,

LOS ANGELES, Aug. 21 /PRNewswire/ -- The world's first three-dimensional Internet book launch party kicked off August 14th with help from a star-studded galaxy of actors, musicians, athletes and authors, as well as a few other surprise ``mystery'' guests.

Through August 31st, visitors can log on to and hear some of the top names in entertainment reading snippets from Elizabeth Haydon's hit epic fantasy novel, Prophecy (Tor Books; August 2000; $27.95) all to benefit the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation.

Actors, musicians, and authors such as Ted Danson, Mary Steenburgen, Scott Wolf, Dolly Parton, Orson Scott Card, Diana Gabaldon and others have all been featured as ``mystery guests'' on the Site this past week. For the next week and a half, visitors will have the opportunity to hear more famous voices and those who correctly guess the person behind the voice will become eligible to win an assortment of prizes. ``We've got an amazing group of celebrity voices, and quite a few surprises,'' says James Minz, Haydon's editor at Tor Books. ``It's great the way people came together to break new ground on the Internet and help a wonderful cause.'' The fun will continue with an online chat on Barnes& ( on August 24th at 7:00 PM Eastern. Here visitors can log-in for an in-depth chat with Haydon, Minz, and other fans to chat, learn trivia and discover the winner of the Firbolg Composer Interactive Songwriting Competition-a contest sponsored by Haydon allowing readers to write an original song for one of the characters in the books which is published in Prophecy.

Elizabeth Haydon, who debuted last year with Rhapsody (Tor 1999), has opted to also donate all of her royalties from its sequel Prophecy to the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, who is working to eliminate mother-to-child HIV transmission and to accelerate the discovery of new treatments for other serious and life-threatening pediatric diseases. ``I am honored to be working with the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation,'' she says. ``I hope the royalties from Prophecy will help them in a significant way to continue their very important and meaningful work.''

The online Mystery Guest Party will run through August 31st on Visitors are also invited to log onto Barnes& ( on August 24th at 7 PM Eastern for an in-depth chat with Elizabeth Haydon.

SOURCE: Tor Books

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