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Celebrity Sponsored
for a Good Cause

Danson with Dolphins ornament "Danson with Dolphins"
Endorsed by
Ted Danson to benefit
American Oceans Campaign
Limited to 7,000 pieces
$58.00 Go to their website to order yours today :)
For more information or to order your ornaments by phone,
please call Toll Free 1-877-ORNAMENT.

Ted Danson
Ted Danson
President, AOC
On behalf of the American Oceans Campaign (AOC), thank you for Purchasing this Joy To The World Collectibles ornament in which part of the proceeds are donated to our non-profit organization. In 1987, I founded AOC on a belief that a healthy environment depends on healthy oceans. I am committed to educating the public and empowering individuals to become ocean advocates.

Too often, we take our precious oceans for granted. They regulate our climate and provide oxygen to help cool the planet. Their fishery resources provide the sole protein source for one-third of the world's population. Unfortunately, oceans suffer large amounts of damage caused by oil spills, polluted runoff and sewage.

We must clean up and restore our oceans. Let's all work together to protect the oceans and their unique and irreplaceable living resources. For Information on how you can help, please call 1-800-80CEANO
(1-800-862-3260) or visit us on our website.

Ted Danson

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AOC Hosts 'Sting Brand New Day World Tour' Benefit ] Ocean Planet - Danson Bio ] Ocean Ambassadors pledge drive launched - Sept 23, 1998 ] [ Danson With Dolphins ] CNN - NOAA honors 25 environmental heroes - April 23, 1998 ] Calling for Cleaner Water ] About American Oceans Campaign ] Dedicated Environmentalist at Heart ] American Oceans Campaign ] Move Over Hasselhoff ] Danson With Dolphins 2 - 1999 ] Whale Watch - another Ornament ] Danson Joins Senator Alpert ] Ocean Trawling ] Aids Carnival ] Ted in Washington DC ] Dry Creek Vineyard is the Toast of Hollywood ] American Oceans Campaign ] Celebs Read Fantasy To Help Kids With AIDS ]

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