I do not fear the wind in the trees at night Though it shrieks
and mutters through the dancing leaves It whispers secrets better left unuttered Tearing at the boughs, it moans and
I do not fear it's howl as it sweeps the wood I do not fear, although it's wailing cry Through the
darkness, sobbing, searching, haunting Seems to me a bitter lullaby
I hear it's nightly battle with the branches
Hear it fighting, yearning to break free I hear it's vain and futile screams and pleadings I hear it thrash and
roar and try to flee
I do not grudge the wind it's midnight racing If I could get free, I too would fly A
rushing, streaming banshee in the moonlight Gusting wild, escaping every tie

Matt Bridger/DHD Photo Gallery
Who Am I?
I am not who I am A woman grown, twenty nine
The wife of a good man The mother of two children
I am not this fearless woman Strong before her daughters
Never allowing her family to see Her terror or rage or pain
I am not who I seem to be A woman, wife and
mother A daughter, sister, friend Inside, I am none of these
I am only thirteen Naive and innocent Four
months ago, a woman Learning about my body and how kisses can make me feel
I am a child-woman Excited to have
my first boyfriend Sickened by the daily abuse Bruised by hateful groping hands
I am trapped inside this moment
Six faces, leering Twelve hands, tearing Dignity and self ripped away like the tee-shirt that I wore
am this girl with wide staring eyes Fighting, incredulous, I just can't believe This is happening -- it can't
be real
I am inside this body Disbelieving as hard fingers bruise me Watching as they stare at me Listening
as they laugh and enjoy their power
I am not who I am Wife, mother, daughter, friend I am none of these women
I am the girl, aching and ashamed
I am only thirteen No longer innocent Suddenly hating this body And
the way they made it feel
This is who I am A frightened child-woman Trapped inside a moment This is who
I am

The Mirror
Dark is all I am inside Anger, emptiness and pride Hate
and rage within me hide The secrets that I keep
And in that midnight mystery I look inside myself and see
The glass portrays me faithlessly My true face buried deep
A Chill Of Early Frost
There are things
we never talk about, Secrets hidden deep inside In darkness mysteries abide Steeped in anger, fear and doubt.
Memories I will not see, Pain and rage I must forget, Though I have not forgiven, yet. This hatred gains
And so I pray to God I might Forget, forgive, and let the past Be past, and then be free at last
Not stricken by this bitter blight,
This cold, this chill of early frost, All alone, and always lost.

I always trusted you I believed just what
you told me I always did what you said I was a good, good girl I never got in trouble I never told you lies
And I brought you all my problems Like you always said I should "Little problems, little girl. You don't know
what pain is. So you say they called you names? Oh, welcome to the world!" I was a good girl, Momma I never
got in trouble Put my tears into my pillow Kept my problems locked inside "You never try to tell me What's
going on in your world. You know you can tell me anything, You know that's why I'm here." Of course I know that
Momma No everything's just fine Yes I know that I've been spending A lot of time alone I don't have any problems
I'm a good girl Momma I never tell you lies Never get in trouble I hold all the pain inside But it's going
to burst my skin Erupt right to the surface Scattered tears and bloodstains And an empty shell of me So I
come home with bruises And with burn-marks on my ribs And my jaw pops when I talk Because they shoved it out of
place And I just can't face you Momma So I go hide in my bedroom And you come in to tell me "Come on, it's
time to eat." But I've got something to tell you And I struggle with the phrases You say, "Later." Always later
So I come out, like you said And I push the food around And I fade into my dungeon And you finally re-enter
And you sit down on the bed They've been doing bad things to me They've been touching where you told me No
one should ever touch me Can you please just make it stop "Now, you listen to me, baby, This is something women
live with. Don't you ever tell your Daddy, Cause he wouldn't understand." But I'm scared I'm shaking Momma What
if they really hurt me? I bet Daddy'd listen to me I bet he'd make them stop "So how are you going to say it?
How are you going to tell him? I'm trying to save you from it, Don't you know you'll be ashamed? Now be a
good girl, honey. Don't cause any trouble. The school year is almost over, Summer's almost here." So I listened
to you Momma I didn't cause you trouble And I locked my fears inside me Where nobody else could see And it
happened three weeks later Just like I expected They really hurt me Momma When they caught me all alone But
I never told you Momma I never caused you trouble Put my tears into my pillow I kept it all inside

When The Wind Blows (For the girl who was me)
When the wind blows,
I'll remember you I'll think about the things you said The things you've done When the wind blows, I'll remember
When the rain falls, I'll cry for you I'll cry for the life you loved The life you lost When the rain
falls, I'll cry
When the sun shines, I'll smile for you I'll smile for the times you smiled, The smiles you'll
miss When the sun shines, I'll smile
When the lightning strikes, I'll live for you I'll live the life you
loved The life you lost When the lightning strikes, I'll live
When the thunder rolls, I'll die for you I'll
die for your pain I'll die for your loss When the thunder rolls, I'll die