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How to Enroll
Grace Center for Biblical and Theological Studies

Registration Form

Grace Center for Biblical and Theological Studies
4701 Virginia Ave., Dallas, Texas 75204
Phone: 214-821-9289
E-mail: grace_bible@lycos.com or JeffWayne@juno.com

Name _________________________________________________________
Last First MI
Address _______________________________________________________
City State Zip Code
Telephone ___________________ E-mail ________________________

Church Affiliation __________________

In case of emergency, contact _________________ ___________________
Name Phone

Name of course for which you are registering: ________________________

Please indicate if you would be interested in taking any of the following courses from GCBTS in the future:
__ History of Theology, Part 2 ___ Worship Practices in the Local
__ History of Theology, Part 3 Church
__ Introduction to the Old Testament ___ World Missions
__ Introduction to the New Testament ___ Pastoral Theology
__ The Pauline Epistles ___ Evolution/Creationism
__ Intensive Study of a N.T. book: ___ Study of the Cults
Please indicate which book(s): _________ ___ World Religions
__ Book of Hebrews ___ Typology of the O.T.
__ New Testament Greek ___ Harmony of the Gospels
__ Corinthian Correspondence ___ Systematic Theology
__ Book of Genesis ___ Biblical Theology(N.T. or O.T.)
___ Other _______________

Please indicate someone else we could contact about taking courses at GCBTS:
Name Address

Registration and Materials Fee: $10.00 Tuition: $10.00 per month
Amount enclosed: ____ Make checks payable to: Grace Center
Your total tuition cost per semester is $50 ($10 registration plus $10 per month). You must pay the registration fee to register. You may pay the entire $50.00 now or pay the remaining $40.00 in monthly installments, due at the first class of each month. Students must also buy the textbook for each course.
_________________________ ____________
Signature Date