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Introduction to the Theology of Jonathan Edwards
Grace Center for Biblical and Theological Studies

Introduction to the Theology of Jonathan Edwards Spring 2002 Course


Registration Form

Grace Center for Biblical and Theological Studies

4701 Virginia Ave., Dallas, Texas 75204

Phone: 214-324-99915            Fax 214-324-0528

Email: grace_bible@lycos.com  or jeffwayne@juno.com


Name _______________________________________________


Address _____________________________________________

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Telephone __________________       E-mail __________________


Church Affiliation ______________________


In case of emergency contact _____________________________________

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Completion of this form will register you in our Spring, 2003 (Feb. 17 to May 5, from 7 to 9 PM) course:

            Introduction to the Theology of Jonathan Edwards


Registration and Materials Fee: $10.00             Tuition: $10.00 per month

Your total matriculation cost per semester is $50.00 ($10.00 registration and $10.00 per month tuition). Kyou may pay the entire $50.00 now or pay the registration fee now and each monthly tuition fee on the first class period of each month.



            Signature                      Date




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