Prospectus An Introduction to Islam: A Christian Perspective Islam and the Christian Faith Course Description:
This course is a through introduction to the beliefs, practices and history of Islam. It will acquaint the student with Muhammad,
the Prophet-founder of Islam and the sacred writings of the faith - the Quran (Koran), its holy Book and the Hadith or Sunnah,
which records the sayings and actions of Muhammad. These modes of revelation form the basis on which Muslims built their lives-
religious and social and define the concepts of sacred and profane. Islam is one of three interrelated religions. In a real
sense Judaism, Christianity and Islam form a family tree of faiths. All are Semitic in origin, descend from Abraham, and affirm
monotheism. In an even greater way Christianity and Islam are related due to the historical fact that without the prior existence
of some form of Christianity Islam would not exist because so much of its belief is a negation of its perceptions, sometimes
erroneous, of Christian teachings. While we will explore Islam through the eyes of the Christian faith every effort will be
made to be objective and accurate in presentation. A comparison-contrast model will be followed regarding the connection with
and intersection of these two religions. We must also explore the social cultural dimensions of Islam historically, in Muslim
countries and in connection with the American experience of democracy and freedom of religion. Rationale for the
Course: In an increasing shrinking social structure, especially in the big cities of the America, Muslims and Christians are
often neighbors and have increasing social contact with one another. Both Christianity and Islam are evangelistic faiths seeking
to bear witness to their faith in God. It is important that we more accurately understand one another and that we engage in
honest dialogue. Primary Textbooks: [Depending on the student's level of interest and finances they should
choose one or both of these books.] Level 1 George W. Braswell, Jr., What You Need to Know about Islam & Muslims.
Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2000. Level 2 George W. Braswell, Jr., Islam Its Prophet, People,
Politics and Power. Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1996. Level 1& 2 Badru D Katereggar and
David W Shenk. A Muslim and Christian in Dialogue. Scottsdale: Herald Press, 1997. Quran (Koran) - Translations
/ Interpretations by Ali, Pickford or Dawood Holy Bible - Translations NASB-U, ESV, NKJV, NRSV, NIV Dates
for Winter-Spring 2002 term Thursday's from 7 to 9 p. m. January 17 to May 9. Fifteen sessions with 2 holidays. Thirty (30)
hours of instruction. Little cost but great benefit!