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Getting Involved
Grace Center for Biblical and Theological Studies

Not everyone wants to get involved in the same way. On this page we present different options to encourage you to get involved in our cause. For example:

Sign up for a class. Contact Jeff Gregory c/o Faith Community Church. Email - faithcommunity2@juno.com. Or write to:
8441 Hunnicut Rd
Dallas TX 75228

Spread the message. Tell others about the school. Sponsor a student. Pray for us.

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Make a Donation

Donations can be made through Faith Community Church. Please designate the donation for Grace Bible Institute. Charitable contributions are tax deductible.

Write a Letter of Encouragement or Inquiry

Or mailing address is: 8441 Hunnicut Rd, Dalas, TX 75228

Email us : grace_bible@mailcity.com OR truthgrace@aolcom