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The Japanese way of encouraging someone in the group who is either discouraged or is trying hard to accomplish something difficult is well known. They have an expression 'ganbate' that loosely translates: Go for it, we're pulling for you all the way! The pitch of group support sometime reaches an incredible level of emotional intensity. This kind of support can spur folks to do the seemingly impossible. An interesting facet of Japanese culture is an ingrained, down to earth sense of living. I have witnessed this over the years on the Japanese TV programs that appear on our local Channel 26 Television Station in San Jose, California on Saturday nights. The stories come in installments, which may well exceed one-hundred. After a while you get to know the characters as if they were members of your own family. Often the context of the story is an occupation or trade.
Japanese TV programs also are replete with stories of historical characters.
Sometimes I fear I have more of a feel for Japanese history
than for that of the U.S., which is slighted on our big network TV
networks. We appear to be a society that lacks a history. Thank goodness for our
Nati While I was watching the story about the railroad platform worker at a small town station I never realized what a challenging occupation that could be. Later I learned that perhaps an extremely gifted person can join the railroad at 18 and become a station master at 35. Success in the Japanese National Railroad means that you have overcome an obstacle course of tough examinations that include questions on railway mottoes, reading difficult Chinese characters used in station names, doing complicated fare calculations, and writing essays on given railway situations. To qualify for taking the exam at any given level, you also have to have an appropriate length of prior service at all the preceding levels.
On a clear night you can see a hare on the moon and its pounding Mochi (rice-cake) in a mortar. Yes, stones grow in Japan. The Oishi shrine in Chikugo is dedicated to a stone which that the faithful believe grows larger over time. The Japanese sai or die, as in craps, is considered to be a charm against evil and a symbol for the universe with the dots representing heaven, earth, and the four directions of the compass. If you want to remove a splinter, physical or mental, go to the Jizo shrine (Toge-nuke-Jizo -- splinter-removing-Jizo) in Tokyo and pay your respects. The Jizo deity does different things and is called by what he does. In India, cows are sacred. In old Japan, rats had it good because a white rat was a messenger of one of the seven gods of luck, Daikoku. Because of this connection, they were not killed. Watch out if the rats leave your house, it's a omen of bad luck. The story goes that a rat couple wanted the strongest husband in the world for their daughter. They asked the sun who declined saying that clouds had more power because they could cover him up. When they asked a cloud, he responded, "The wind is stronger than I because it can blow me away." The wind could not make the grade either. "The wall stops me cold," he said. And the wall, though honored by the offer wailed, "The rat is stronger. He can bore a hole right through me." So the couple wisely gave their daughter in marriage to another rat who was indeed the strongest creature of them all.
There's no definition in my 1552+ page Random House Webster's for the word 'Senryu.' The dictionary does define haiku as the poem of 3 lines of 5, 7, 5 syllables. Senryu, named after the poet Karai Senryu who died in 1789, is haiku with an attitude of fun. It a 17 syllable joke poem. You can call it a three-liner. It laughs at life and takes it seriously at the same time, a sort of irreverent haiku. The Japanese thrive on contradictions. Some examples.
Yes, armpits can be a turn on.
If this were haiku, there might be implied some deeper meaning about cause. Justice Andrew of the famous Palsgraf case would say I want to look at proximate cause here. But here it means no more than that the melons are attached by their runners and picking one up moves all the others.
This fellow is getting high on money from the pawnbroker who holds his thick kimono.
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