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my site that's not like a box of chocolates
Thursday, 5 July 2007
It's been four years ...

Four years ago, I started a tradition. That tradition is that I sit in front of the computer for about 10hrs each day. I'm still doing that and had been doing that for the past few summers.

I had long abandoned this blog after only a couple of days. That's fair. I believe this layout is called "watermelon" or something totally lame like that. I used to really like watermelons and the colors green and pink. Apparently, things had changed.

I was reading my old entries and I seemed to had a distaste for violent films and profanity-filled masquerades. Nevertheless, I was still a film buff, as I casually discussed the films I watched on TV. Four years later, it would be still the same. I had started a blog four months earlier and I would still casually discuss films that I view.  But since I'm a more "serious" film buff now, I like all kinds of films. Last summer, I enjoyed watching crime movies. Crime movies have A LOT of profanity and violence in them, but oh well. I pretty much changed after I watched The Godfather, which I first watched in 2004? Not too sure, but that film got me hooked on the classics.

But I still think Scream 2 is lame. 

For the most part, I didn't change much. I'm still the same ol' me.

Posted by humanbeing_4 at 5:19 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 5 July 2007 6:39 PM EDT
Friday, 11 July 2003
*Uh hem*
..ok...today I was just putting a pic of Linus Van Pelt of my webpage. He looked so cute! He's adorable actually...so is his brother Rerun! Ok...I think everyone in the coomic strip is practically cute. Umm...and I don't really have anything to write...so good day...and yeah, I got pastel all over me in art class, but now I have taken a shower, it's different. I look as bright as new!

Posted by humanbeing_4 at 11:26 PM EDT
Thursday, 10 July 2003
My new title: ------ or whatever. OK>>>>>I didn't write in you yesterday right cause I spent the whole day playing on Neopets and trying to get Neopoints and working on my MAIN PAGE. Well, today I am not going to do much on my main page because I feel guilty not writing in you and so...that's it. That's my story. Yesterday I had a weird dream...I forgot what it was. It was something about my pillow case...I think. I forgot, but anyway I am writing in you now. You should be happy that I stored a few of my information in you. You have to share with my MAIN PAGE blog, or else you'll turn out selfish and inconsiderate. Sad huh? Well, try to have a giving heart and this goes to everyone else who is reading this. TRY TO HAVE A GIVING HEART! Yesterday I went to art class and I painted a piece of art work. I named it. It looked quite crazy. I don't even know my art teacher's name...LOL! Well, I am having a rather OK summer, how about you? You don't care don't you? Whatever. *Marcy*

Posted by humanbeing_4 at 1:40 PM EDT
Tuesday, 8 July 2003
My new subject...lovable isn't it? Of course! Well, look, yesterday art class was fine. I saw this beautiful picture of bunch of flowers in a vase. It was so cool. I had to do some reading/writing/language arts stuff this morning. I finished it pretty early. Oh yeah, and hehe...READ MY MAIN PAGE! Its got all sorts of stuff. Oh yeah, if you haven't been on Neopets before! GO! Be sure to join my guild the -Junk Yard Guild-! Be sure to ignore the name cause I LOVE IT! Well....I don't have much to say now. I can't wait until the first day of school because I will once more be a big weirdo again! Yay! Ok...you can already tell I am not really popular...haha. Funny huh when you stop to think about it. Yup. I'm talking to my friend Jessica now, she likes my MAIN PAGe. See what she said?: lil_princess7225: it looks bice.....ok...she spelt nice wrong but still...she LOVES IT!!!!!!!! haha...*Marcy* (with a name like that, who wants you to be popular? you need a popular name to BE popular.)

Posted by humanbeing_4 at 2:43 PM EDT
Monday, 7 July 2003
OK....that's my title for today. Even though this page is very similar to my main page, the difference is that I only write in here ONCE A DAY! I only do it once a day because I like to. It's not my fault I am so busy with that page...hehe. I used to do a lot of webpage on GEOCITIES and MATMICE but then I liked ANGELFIRE better because the file managers were ore effective and stuff. Yesterday I went to see Charlie's Angels: Rise of the Machines. Ok...that was a joke...didn't you think it was funny? Probably not. The bad thing about Charlie's Angels is that too many little kids go and see it, and it's so sexual...sorry, but it is. There's girls not wearing a bra...isn't that inappropriote for little girls? Oh yeah, and in the second one I saw this scene on the commmercial that they're in a strip club. Still, first and second graders shouldn't even see that. It's wrong for them. I don't think it's right so yeah, that's my point. Kids should see kids movies like...umm...*think* I heard Finding Nemo is a good one even though I haven't seen it myself. The only PG13 that looks appropriote for little kids is probably Legally Blonde 2: Red, White, & Blonde because it looks unviolent, unsexual, and you know. BUT it does have bad language. I am not seeing it because of that...:-) Hahaha! I don't like cussing/swearing. It makes the world a WORSE place to live. BAD LANGUAGE is not needed. *Marcy*

Posted by humanbeing_4 at 11:21 AM EDT
Sunday, 6 July 2003
Ah Ha!
Weird title for today huh? Well, I couldn't think of anymore so that's my only choice...hehe. I was watching the show Hot Pick yesterday...sort of boring and there's was quite a few movies on yesterday too. I watched Scream 2. It was very stupid. It was suppose to be scary. I don't know if I even want to see the original Scream if there even is one. Those characters are stupid, and they are not scary, they're completely dim witted. I hated the movie. I really really really really really really really hated it cause it was so stupid. I feel like smashing it. It is about a person in mask catching people to kill and that's stupid. I don't really have much to say about this movie than it's a mess and a wreck like a car crash and it will never be a good movie ever even though Courtney Cox was pretty good. Uh huh...oh yeah, and today there's Independence Day just so you know for all the sci-fi people around. I will be updating this page ALMOST everyday so you can read my entries all this summer. I would probably be busier during the school year, but for now I am open and ready for anything. And if you want to instant message me on AIM, I can be reached by the screen name of Funnypenguin553 and if you don't have AIM, I could be reached by Yahoo! and the screen name for that is obnoxious_intelligence and if you don't have those, I have MSN that I don't go on much which is smileyme26@hotmail.com by my e-mail. If you don't have any of them, just e-mail me at smileyme26@hotmail.com. I'm fine with that. hehe...*Marcy*

Posted by humanbeing_4 at 12:55 PM EDT
Saturday, 5 July 2003
Today I watched Pokemon on TV. I was bored. That made me MORE bored. Watching bunch of stupid things walking around made my head hurt and I started to get exhausted in a way and got mad at Pokemon. My favorite children programing is Seasme Street. It's cool. It has Elmo and Big Bird and stuff. Hahaha! Actually I like it a lot. Oh yeah, I wish someone would actually post a comment on one of my messages cause no one had done anything yet and it's really making me bored by typing everyday. I was watching this movie review yesterday and they said that the ULTIMATE movie showdown this summer is Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines and Legally Blonde 2: Red, White, & Blonde. I think Terminator is going to win cause it's violent and it's a violent world today so everyone likes violence. If you push me into a theater to either see Elle Woods or the Terminator I would rather see Elle Woods because I am a PACIFIST and I won't be able to stand dead people. I would rather watch a offensive chick flick than innocent people getting killed. Sad. BUT if you actually push me into a theater and I can choose to anything that's openned I'll choose a cartoon one...they're more unoffensive and unviolent...but I don't think those are such words...hehe. Last night I didn't really have a good 4th of July. It was boring. I was working on my movie review page that I am half addicted to now on the World Wide Web. Siince my mom would only let me to be online for 1 hour today because she is afraid my eyes would crack out I amn really typing this quickly so I can put more on my Angelfire page. The things that's getting my attention is my GUILD, my REVIEW WEBPAGE and MAKING SIMPLE GUILD LAYOUTS for Neopets. *Marcy*

Posted by humanbeing_4 at 1:12 PM EDT
Friday, 4 July 2003
Coming Soon...
Coming soon in this webpage are a movie review page, a book review page, a music review page and a a special link to Neopets so you can win me Neopoints! LOL. Sorry, I had to say that. It seemed like the right thing to do. Oh yeah, and I am going to build a guild webpage on here too so stick around!

Posted by humanbeing_4 at 8:36 PM EDT
The World of Me.
Hi! [EDIT: When I was 11, I was such a moron that I gave out my real name, my place of residence, and my birthday. Yeah, I was pretty stupid back then.] My main interests are watching movies and reading boring books and that goes with movies as well...boring movies. They facinate me! I can't wait to see Charlie's Angels: Rise of the Machines. I heard it was very good. Guess so...but the problem is that I am a total pacifist like the singer MOBY or whatever his name is that I am against total violence. Probably I am getting too personal to myself. OK...I chose this blog because it was titled Watermelon. I have no idea why. I guess it's because it's green a red like a watermelon, but I've seen a yellow watermeloon before. Oh yeah, today I was wanting to eat the vietnese sandwich for the fourth of July but the store was closed because of that. Oh well, probably some other time. Yesterday I saw this very strange movie called The Love Letter that had Ellen Degeneres or whatever the spelling of her last name...she was the only one that I knew. That movie had no plot! That was first time I ever thought a move had not plot..hmmm! It's weird/stupid/unreasonable/no plot! Oh yeah, and I don't cuss/swear or whatever you prefer to call that. That's why I am against songs like: I'm With You, My World, ...Eminem Songs...etc. I am also aginst movies that have the "F" word in it. They are bad, but if they have a good storyline, I would forgive them. *whispers I HATE ALL PEOPLE WHO USUALLY SAYS BAD WORDS!* hehe. Well...happy 4th of July! I just heard 3 firework sounds yesterday. Don't they know fireworks are illegal here? Stupid people! *uh huh*

Posted by humanbeing_4 at 8:25 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 9 July 2007 1:43 AM EDT

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