Leslie Westerlund BSc,MEnvSc,DipIrid,IPA.
Leslie was at the Environmental Technology Centre (ETC). W.Australia demonstrating his research in a new method of creating
an environmentally friendly handmade paper that is both smooth and textured.
Leslie would like to help developing countries use this new technology to help empower local community groups to make
a high quality paper, calligraphy paper, art paper; printers paper that can be value added into cards, certificates, gift
sets, books, diaries, wedding invitations, business cards, name cards and stationery lines.
An A3plus is made then smaller sheets cut to size:(A3plus=(35x45cm); A3=(30x40cm); A4= (20x30cm); A5=(10x15cm); and envelopes;
or to your order).
Organization News
Leslie is needing grants to initiate projects in (YOUR COUNTRY), Fiji, South Africa, South America, New Zealand
and Australia. One hundred thousand dollars will start to change ten tonnes of waste paper into one million sheets of Leslie's
special paper; employ several people and save the environment.
Questions or comments? Get in touch with us at:
Webpage Address
sms your text to Australia : Mobile 0402528350
You can also order the new books: @$20 Aus
"How to Make a Papermaking Press"
by L.C.Westerlund. 2007:
ISBN: 187614145X
"How to Make a Papermaking Hydropulper"
by L.C.Westerlund. 2007
ISBN: 1876141441
"How to Make a Papermaking Aluminium Mould and Deckle"
by L.C.Westerlund. Oct.2007
ISBN: 1876141468
"How to Make a Papermaking -Couching - L'Tranfer Curve"
by L.C.Westerlund. Nov.2007
ISBN: 1876141492