Australia can now save the Old Growth Forests and use waste fibre for papermaking from the millions of tonnes of straw
and stems from agricultural waste.
Plantation timber (pines) could
be replanted with a percentage of native species over time and recreate corridors for wildlife to re-connect with native forests.
Farmers could be paid to replant native trees and species to preserve the greater good of the environment. The water table
will go down, drawing the salt water down and save their own paddocks from salt. There will be more evaporation, more clouds
forming and more rain for a drought ridden country.
The table above
shows the research results are amazing: it shows that wheat and cereal straw offer the most in hectares of wheat stubble combined
with (see Y axis or horizontal axis) a low conversion of 1 tonne per hectare to yield several million possible tonnes of papermaking
fibre....while Banana is low in hectares but the stems yield the highest conversion of over 180 tonnes/hectare:(see right
axis and blacks dots and linear scale) conbining to potentually make a million tonnes of papermaking fibre. Other crops and
yields can be seen on the graph. The respective total conversion to paper is shown for each up line (see each X) on the left
axis. (Note: The up scale is step in height is ten times more.)