The mission statement is to create a environmentally friendly and sustainable business based on all the good scientific
and environmental principles that can be promoted.
reuse of waste paper, lint, cotton;
to features of flowers (grown in the village);
to reuse of (existing colours + chemicals);
to reusing water many times in production;
to free solar heating of pulp water;
to "sustainable turnkey approach" (STA) and Five Phases of Sustainable Technology Transfer" to make equipment (hardware)
and teach skills (software) in developing countries;
to mechanical hydraulic press of 100 tonnes/sqm;
to free solar energy in drying paper;
to composting waste pulp for the garden;
to traditional die-cutting of paper shapes;
to printing using modern colour printers/ photocopiers / calligraphy /art;
to encouraging skilled people to rediscover a craftsmanship in papermaking.
To make limited edition books and cultural heritage stories to preserve village culture and language.