A disease affecting the retina
is a 'retinopathy'; Diabetes causing problems in the retina is Diabetic
retinopathy (DMR) . Don't take this lightly, Diabetic retinopathy is one of the leading causes of blindness.
Here's what happens -
Early changes -
The Picture shows the retina in early Diabetes.
Background retinopathy
Micro aneurysms -
are sac-like dilatations in blood vessels.
Multiple small dot-blot hemorrhages
Lipid (fat) deposits in
retina forming 'soft and hard exudates'
CME- Cystoid Macular
This means swelling at macula.
If no attention is paid to these early
changes, it worsens and one gets these late changes.
Late changes -
Proliferative retinopathy, called
that since there is proliferation or growth of new blood vessels. This has got
to be treated with Laser.
Picture shows the retina with advanced Diabetic
Cotton-wool spots (CWS)
Bigger flame-shaped hemorrhages
Growth of new vessels on
the disc and on the retina. These new vessels are leaky and fragile.
They break and bleed easily
Bleeding into the Vitreous
which leads to scarring and pulling or 'traction' on the retina.
Tractional retinal detachment
glaucoma occurs when the new blood vessels grow on the iris and
cause raised eye pressure.