Save As Basics
David Anders,The Computer Guy, a freelance systems engineer in Seattle, WA.
Resolves computer problems, assists with production issues, designs and installs networks.
The Basics
Complex Documents
. Programs that import multiple types of images or text into a composite document have an inbuilt danger. . Also, some programs have an option that will save you time with increased danger.
. As the document becomes larger, with more imported images, the danger of corrupted components becomes greater. On the third day of a complex document production, an EPS image from an illlustration program is imported. This image is damaged. The reason for the damage may be due to hard drive misinformation, a momentary glitch in the save process, a damaged font included in the image,or a damaged component (graphic file incorrectly imported or rasterized).
. Once, the damaged component is imported and placed in a document, the danger is that the file will become corrupt and unopenable. AT THIS POINT ALL WORK ON THE FILE IS LOST and the file will have to be recreated.
. To protect your work, after an hour,or a day of work, SAVE AS. So, as a file grows in complexity, you will have multiple versions. FileName 01, saved on March 1st at 10am, FileName 02, saved on March 1st at noon and FileName 03, saved on March 2nd at 6pm, will enable you to recover to a previous version if file corruption strikes.
. Word is an example of a program with an automatic backup file creation option.
Save As
. Some programs have a built-in capability to save time by saving, not the file, but the changes that have been made to the file.
. This means that a file created and saved (initial save command creates a file that accurately reflects the file contents) that originally contained the following:
. After changing A to lower case, moving B after C, and substituting 3 for J and using the SAVE command The files contains the following:
A is lower case,
B is after C
3 is after I
J is deleted

. rather than:

a C B D E F G H I 3 K L M
. This is not critical in a small or simple file, however, in a complex (graphics & text mixed) document, especially one that is opened and closed many times, it can break your heart.
. An example is a complex Pagemaker document, with quicksaves enabled, a document created on March 1st contains a Word document. On March 2nd, twenty EPS files from Freehand are imported. The resulting document is Saved. This file now contains the original file with an attached database (datalist?) which details the changes made. Not a copy of what appears on screen, but the original file with a database of the changes made which represent the current screen representation of the file.
. Why is this important? When you open the file (a file that has been Saved - rather than Saved As) you are opening the file which was last Saved As and an appended database (or datalist?) which is interpreted (processed) to show you the current state of the file. This is fine, except the datalist can grow to the point where the application cannot contain or process all the changes that are listed in file. The result? The file refuses to open or opens with an error message. All your work is lost! This will typically happen after days or weeks of work. Just as you near a deadline.
. The solution? After you have worked on an existing file for an hour (or a day) choose Save As, not Save. . This will create a new file with all the changes you have made. If you choose to Save As and keep the same name, yesterday's copy of the file will be replaced. NOTE: it is safer to save multiple copies of a large or complex file, in case of file damage, so you can open up yesterday's (or this morning's) copy of the file and avoid losing all the changes you have made.
. Programs that will Save a file with a datalist of changes, rather than a complete file update:
. Pagemaker - FastSave can be disabled in Edit/PREFERENCES Menu.
. Quark Xpress.
. Word (FastSave can be disabled in (OPTIONS/SAVE/Enable FastSave)
. Freehand
. Adobe Illustrator

. There are others, if you know of one, let me know .

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