| |
[ the library ] the return of
slytherin |
A thousand ago, there were four wizards. They wanted to teach young
wizards and witches about the magic within them. They wanted to build a
school, a place where they could fulfill their dream. But then, arguements
that Hogwarts should admit only students of all-magic families, started
between Salazar Slytherin and the other wizards. It became so serious at one
point, that Slytherin was said to have built a secret chamber in the castle
somewhere. Inside the chamber, was said to hold a terrible horror, and the
only wizard or witch that could open it would be the true Heir of Slytherin.
Along time after the four wizards died, a legend started. The legend said
that when Slytherin built the Chamber of Secrets, something happened to him.
Something that no one could explain. Something that one boy would have to
find out.... |
Three days before Halloween and already, Hogwarts was decorated
with black and orange streamers, glowing pumpkins, bats flying around the
ceiling, and the usual Halloween attitude; pulling various pranks. People
from each house, especially Slytherin were puling pranks on each other, and
it didn't stop, until Dumbledore finally had it. Everyone gathered into the
Great Hall for dinner. "I sure hope we get some early-Halloween feast food!"
said Ron in a hungry tone of voice. "Take it easy Ron. Geez, I guess the
older you get, the more your appetite grows," laughed Harry. "Yeah, even
when you're 16," murmured Hermione. "Oh please Hermione, you know you're
starving too," moaned Ron in an irritable voice. "Excuse me Ron, but atleast
I don't enjoy eating food prepared by House Elves!" cried Hermione.
"Take it easy guys! I mean guy and girl! Geez. Just breath and dig in!"
cried Harry as the empty plates of food on the table in front of them
magically appeared with all kinds of delicious food. Ron and Harry took out
their forks and knives and spoons and scooped up spoon-fulls of mashed
potatoes with gravy and forks full of turkey and chocolate pudding. Harry
looked up, after five minutes of eating off his plate and suddenly froze.
"What's wrong, Harry?" Ron asked. "Eh? Nothing. Nah, nothing," Harry said.
Ron looked in the same direction as Harry and realized what he was looking
at; Cho Chang. "God Harry! Be a man and ask her out!" cried Ron. "Shhhhh!!!"
hissed Harry, "Don't say that so loud!" "Why not? Think anybody cares?"
cried Ron, raising his voice a little more. Harry pinched Ron hard in the
back. "Ah! Ow!" yelped Ron, "Don't do that again!" "Then stop yelling!"
cried Harry. "Okay, okay..." groaned Ron, rubbing the pinched spot on his
back. |
Dumbledore started walking towards the stage. When he got there, he
raised his wand high into the air and whispered something. BANG! Suddenly,
his wand shot out an enormous green mist, followed by a couple sparks,
shaped like moons and stars. The entire school became quiet. Dumbledore
cleared his throat and said, "Thank you Hogwarts students! Please excuse me
from interrupting your feast, but I need to make a very important
announcement. STOP PULLING PRANKS!!!!!" Everyone who saw Dumbledore was
shocked. They've never, once, seen Dumbledore yell before. "IT'S GETTING
this, every student in the Great Hall sucked back a deep breath of air,
making a very loud gasping noise. "Thank you, now carry on!" It was a long
period of time before people started talking again. "Do you think he'd
actually do that?" asked Ron. "Don't know," replied Hermione. "I don't think
he really will. It's just a good effect. It might work, you know. Besides,
Dumbledore would never do anything like that. I know him," replied Harry.
Cho Chang caught a mere glance at Harry and smiled, and Harry noticed her
face turning a light pink color. "She likes me! She likes me!" cried Harry
astonished, when she turned away. After the feast ended, everyone went up to
their common rooms and got ready for bed. Very late into the night,
something in the dark sky was forming. It was, a cloud? The strange cloud
was colored black, a strange gray mist seemed to be glowing from it, on the
sides. In the Gryffindor Tower, everyone was asleep. Harry turned onto his
back and breathed in some air. The stars outside started disappearing
because of the dark cloud. Harry reached for his glasses on his bedside
table. He missed them, knocking them to the floor instead. He sighed and sat
up in bed and reached down towards the floor for his glasses and found them.
When he finally put them on, he reached for the glass of water, which was
also on his bedside table. As he took a long drink from the glass, he looked
up, out the window by his four-poster bed, and couldn't believe what he saw.
He wasn't sure if he was hallucinating or just too tired. He gulped some
more water and blinked a few times. Then he "choked" on some of the water,
spitting it out, when he saw the black cloud, which was now in the shape of
a snake. |
"Ron! Ron!" Harry cried in a awe-struck voice. Ron turned over onto
his side, facing Harry and groaned tiredly, "What is it, Harry? I'm trying
to sleep!" "Look out the window!" Harry whispered. "Why, Harry? Can't we do
this tomorrow or something? I promise, right now I gotta get some sleep,
okay?" Ron mumbled as he attempted to fall back asleep. "WAKE UP RON!" cried
Harry again. "All right! All right! WHAT is it, Harry?" cried Ron,
sitting up. Harry nodded blankly out the window. Ron gasped when he saw the
cloud. "We better tell Dumbledore..." Ron and Harry hurried up, out of their
dormitory, common room, and to Dumbledore's office. A while later, after
telling Dumbledore what happened in the sky, he awakened the other teachers
and began discussing certain percautions. The entire school was up and
gathered in the Great Hall. Hagrid was outside, keeping an eye on the
snake-shaped cloud. "Doesn't seem ter be doin anythin strange," he said,
eyeing the cloud closely. Suddenly, the cloud exploded with a great green
light, which lit up the entire grounds of the castle. Hagrid covered turned
away from the light and ran back into the castle. "Dumbledore! The cloud! It
just exploded wit light!" he cried. The light ouside suddenly disappeared,
instead, the cloud began shooting out tiny, winged snake-like creatures. The
"flying snakes" started spreading around the Forbidden Forest and covered
the lake in front of the castle. "Close the doors!" yelled Hagrid as
Dumbledore made a swift move of his wand, which shut the heavy stone doors
closed. The "flying snakes" covered the top of the castle and were trying,
desperately to get in. "Blasted creatures! Too bad I'm not the Defense
Against the Dark Arts teacher!" growled Snape. Soon, loud scratching of tiny
claws from the creatures could be heard through the thick walls of the
castle. "Remain calm everyone! The teachers and myself are currently
discussing a plan to resolve this situation," replied Dumbledore. Everyone
was whispering to each other in frightened voices. "Do we even know the
cause of this Dumbledore?" asked Professor McGonagall urgently. "Not quite
yet," answered Dumbledore, "This is a sort of difficult situation to
handle." "I'll go get hold of the Ministry," suggested Professor Flitwick as
he hurried off. "This could be the work of the Death Eaters, couldn't it?"
asked McGonagall. "I sense deep fear from a horrible event that will soon
occur," replied Trelawney, with her eyes closed. Snape snickered quietly and
said, "I sense the smell of idiosm." "As I was saying before I was
interrupted," started McGonagall, "maybe we should check the Chamber of
Secrets." Snape raised an eyebrow. McGonagall lowered her voice and leaned
slightly, over towards Dumbledore, so Snape couldn't hear her. "The cloud
was in the shape of a snake. Slytherin," McGonagall said.
Dumbledore nodded his head understandingly. "Good idea, but a little risky,"
replied Dumbledore. Snape's face was slightly red. "Why must every other
house always refer to Slytherin as the one behind everything that
goes wrong at this school?" spat Snape. "Because most dark wizards are
turned out by Slytherin!" cried McGonagall. Snape's temple was pulsing
madly. |
"I think I'll go help Flitwick!" growled Snape, as he turned around
and walked away. The creatures outside were getting more anxious to get in.
Faint hissing sounds could also be heard from outside the castle walls. "What
are those things outside?" cried Ron. "Freaky things, that's what!" cried
Neville wildly. "Just breath Neville, just breath," replied Hermione. A
sudden, loud scream came from one of the ends of the Great Hall. "HELP!
HURRY!" yelled a Ravenclaw. Everyone crowded around the scene at the end of
the Great Hall. "What is it? What's going on?" some people would say.
Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Trelawney hurried over to the location of the
scream. "Please excuse me," replied Dumbledore as he finally made it through
the enormous crowd of people. McGonagall and Trelawney gasped in shock right
when the saw what the commotion was about. A student was laying on the stone
floor, with her hands over her ears and her mouth in a position that looked
as though she were screaming. "Petrified," mumbled Dumbledore in disbelief.
He turned around, glanced at McGonagall with stern eyes and said, "We need
to check the Chamber, now." Professor Binns, the ghost teacher
hovered over the heads of students as he made his way to Dumbledore. "I'll
stay here, while you check the Chamber, Albus," Binns said. "Good idea.
Professor McGonagall and Trelawney should stay here too. I'll be gone for
no-longer than a couple of mintues," replied Dumbledore. "Where's he going?"
asked Ron to Harry as Dumbledore walked through the crowd of people, and out
of the Great Hall. "Don't know. Should we keep an eye on him?" asked Harry.
"Up to you," replied Ron. "Think he's going to the Chamber of Secrets or
something?" asked Ron. "Well, the cloud was in the shape of a snake. Hagrid
hurried over. "Thank goodness you three are all right," he said
breathlessly. "Hagrid, what's going on? Where's Dumbledore going?" asked
Harry. "Don't know yet, maybe he's goin ter do somethin about those
creatures outside," replied Hagrid. "No, I don't think so," Hermione said
uncertainly. "Well, whatever he's up to, I sure hope he gets rid of those
creatures, that noise is getting to me," replied Harry. |
Dumbledore went into the bathroom where Moaning Mrytle always
stayed in a stall and cried. He looked around the deserted and dirty
bathroom, trying to remember how to exactly get into the Chamber of Secrets.
"Ah yes," he said as he remembered how; through a hole behind a broken sink.
He took out his wand, twirled it around quickly, making a rusty old sink
move aside, revealing a large enough hole in the wall to allow Dumbledore to
almost fit inside. Back in the Great Hall, it was noiser than ever. "What's
going on?" "What are we going to do?" would be the things some people would
say to each other. "Everyone, I assure you, we will have this situation
sorted out very soon!" replied Professor Binns hovering around some students
who were panicking. Dumbledore slid down a small tunnel-like passageway and
after what seemed like ages, he came to a stop. He got up and looked around
the dark cave-like structure he was in. "Oh, this school has much too many
dark places," he mumbled. Suddenly, he heard a strange shuffling noise
behind him, he quickly turned around, wand in his hand and fell to the
ground. Someone had just put him to sleep with the flick of their wand. |
* * * |
Finally, it was morning and no one could sleep a wink during the
night. "A couple of minutes," replied Binns worringly. "It should've been
only a couple of minutes." He was pacing around in the air, apparently very
worried about Dumbledore. "He hasn't been back for the entire night!" cried
Trelawney, "Maybe his destiny was met and..." "Give it a rest," replied
McGonagall. Snape was sitting on an old wooden chair with his face in his
hands. He finally uncovered his face and got up. He headed towards where the
staff bathrooms were. Right when he reached the door of the bathroom, he
noticed a slimy substance lying on the floor. He bent down to examine it.
Then he turned around and to his horror, half of everyone in the Great Hall
had turned into giant reptiles; iguana, komodo dragons, and especially
snakes. "Oh my god!" yelled Snape in horror and started running away from
the Great Hall and to Moaning Mrytle's bathroom. Harry suddenly awoken from
his "sleep" and screamed when he saw Ron as a lizard. He turned over to
Hermione, but she too was a lizard. "Oh my gosh! Ron! Hermione! You're
lizards!" Then, a large cobra snake slithered past Harry's shoe, making him
stop dead in his tracks. "Oh-my-god," he gasped, almost unable to breath. He
glanced down at his shoe as the cobra looked up at Harry with its tongue
sticking out dangerously. Harry closed his eyes, then with all his might,
flung the snake off his shoe and darted across the Great Hall screaming
along with the other students who were still in human form. Professor
McGonagall wasn't a lizard nor was Professor Binns, but Flitwick and
Trelawney both were. "What're we going to do?" yelled a student as he threw
a lizard off his leg and kicked a snake away. "I don't know!" yelled Binns
as a lizard attempted to claw at him, but instead clawed air. One of the
Hogwarts windows bursted open, letting in an enormous breeze of chilly air.
It swept through the entire room, then it went back out side the window, at
the same time, the window repaired itself. "What was that?" cried Binns in
shock. "I don't know! Does it look like I have all the answers in the
world?" yelled McGonagall all of a sudden. "Excuse me, MINERVA! But I've
been dead for awhile, so you can't count on me to know anything current!"
yelled back Binns. McGonagall flourished in anger. "Why don't you go and
research it in your fancy classroom that you have?" yelled McGonagall again.
Harry was in shock, he couldn't believe what he was hearing. |
Students who were still human started arguing with each other,
finding something to blame on someone. Even the snakes and lizard were
fighting, well in the claws and fang way, anyway. Harry, however wasn't
caught by the wind for some reason. He was the only one who wasn't fighting.
The Ministry of Magic still hadn't arrived, who knows what was keeping them.
Snape had reached the bathroom and went inside, but he couldn't find the way
to get into the Chamber. "Blasted chambers!" cried Snape furiously as he
kicked a stall. "Hey!" cried Moaning Myrtle as she stopped crying.
"Someone's in here, so stop yelling!" "And who would you be, you
little..." Snape stopped as he kicked open the stall in which Myrtle was in.
He caught glimpse of her and screamed at the top of his lungs. He ran
towards the door and pulled on the knob, but it wouldn't move. He banged on
the door loudly, screaming, it still wouldn't budge. "Noooo!!!" screamed
Snape as he slipped on some water and fell to the floor. Mrytle sighed and
went back into her stall. "Another person scared dead by me..." Harry
decided, finally, to go to the Chamber of Secrets and check it out himself.
After a couple minutes of hurried walking, Harry reached the entrance to
Moaning Mrtyle's bathroom. He took a deep breath and pushed open the door,
trying hard not to remember any bad memories he gained in his second year at
Hogwarts. "Who's there?" asked Myrtle, upon hearing the door creak open.
Harry rolled his eyes, already annoyed by Myrtle's prescence, "No one." "Ha
ha, real funny. Who's there?" she asked again. Harry looked down and saw
Snape's body lying unconscious on the floor, drool coming from his mouth.
"He really needs to get a raise," Harry said, amusing himself. Harry quickly
looked around the sinks, trying to remember which one was the one that
opened up a passageway. "Hmmmm..." Harry grumbled as he glanced around a
particular sink, which seemed to be the correct one. He pushed it a little,
but nothing happened. Then he pushed it some more and suddenly, it slid
aside, revealing the mid-size hole in the wall. Some dust flew out the hole,
making Harry sneeze. "Bless you," said Myrtle. "Uh, thanks," replied Harry
as he quickly stuffed himself into the hole and started sliding down a
tunnel-like passageway, at high velocity. Harry tried to grab onto something
that would slow him down, but that was quite impossible. |
After what seemed more than a decade, he came to a sudden stop,
landing on his back. Harry winced and got up, dusting himself off and seeing
if his back had any broken bones. He pulled out his wand from beneath his
robes and said, "Lumos." The tip of his wand lit up with a very bright beam
of light. His eyes took a second or two in order to adjust to the bright
wand light. He began walking, but soon tripped over a large body, lying on
the ground. "Dumbledore! Sir! Are you all right? Can you hear me?" cried
Harry as he knelt down to take the Headmaster's pulse. He was still alive,
just unconscious. A shadow quickly appeared on the opposite wall of Harry's
wand. His eye caught the shadow. He slowly turned around and looked at where
the shadow was coming from. "Welcome back, Harry," said a cold, yet high
voice. The mysterious voice sent shivering chills down Harry's spine. It
seemed all too familar. The light from Harry's wand began flickering from
time-to-time. "W-who are you?" asked Harry in a small voice. The dark figure
gave a loud laugh. "Haven't you figured it out yet? The clues? The easiest
clues that anyone could ever find? Who do you think I am?" replied the cold,
evil voice. More chills were sent down Harry's spine. The scar on his
forehead began hurting. "AAAAA!" screamed Harry in pain, grabbing his
forehead. The pain continued to grow. Harry gathered strength and whispered,
"V-voldemort?" "The one and only. Took you awhile," replied Voldemort as he
stepped out of the dark and into Harry's wand light. |
The tall, skinny body figure of Voldemort shone in the bright
light. Harry's scar burned more fierce than ever. "No-no! It can't be you!
You're-suppose-to-be-gone!" yelled Harry as he collapsed to the ground, his
wand beside him. "Thought I wouldn't come back, Harry? Thought that I
wouldn't ever get my revenge? Huh, Harry? Thought that I, the most feared
wizard of all the ages, Lord Voldemort, would never become supreme once
again?" yelled Voldemort. "Well, you were wrong!" Harry's scar was turning a
bright green color. It was getting more painful by the minute and Voldemort
sure wasn't helping. "Now that I've finally returned, it is you who is
hopeless, Harry! Not me, but you!" yelled Voldemort again. "I don't give
pity, instead, I give power to those who deserve it by serving me. I give
the new meaning of life to those who want it. But I don't give mercy to
those who beg for it. You, on the other hand, is the only thing that is
blocking me from supreme sorcerer, thus you should be delt with..." Harry's
mind felt like it was burning up, like his forehead. Now, his scar was
turning a very bright red color, with a little smoke steaming from it. "Now,
Harry Potter, I will finish the job, whom nobody else could- the job of
killing you," cried Voldemort as he lifted his wand and aimed it straight
towards Harry's scar and yelled out, "Formabilius!" Suddenly, Harry's
glasses fell to the ground, a lens popped out. Harry's pain grew ever worse
when his bodily form suddenly began mutating to no form at all, blobs of
different shapes and sizes. Harry's mind was for sure, going to explode.
Harry tried screaming for help, but his mouth was misplaced and he couldn't
think anymore. Voldemort laughed and laughed at the very sight of Harry
being tortured by him. "And now, Harry Potter, your body will be blasted
apart, your soul will be lost, and my reign will finally resurface, just as
I have!" yelled Voldemort raising his wand once more and yelling out a
spell, "Destructo-manifest!" Great jets of sparks shot out the end of
Voldemort's wand, along with fire encircling around Harry. Harry's heart
beated wildy as the intense heat from the fire began to grow. "Behold the
horror in what I endured!" laughed Voldemort manically, as he shot some more
jets of sparks towards Harry's still mutating body. Harry's mind was going
haywire as well. Harry had fainted and was now about to reach the very point
of death. |
Suddenly, all the fire was exstinguished in a large cloud of black
smoke and the jets of sparks disappeared. "I always knew you and your family
were fools, Potter," replied Voldemort viscously as he put back his wand and
turned around. He suddenly gasped. Dumbledore was standing up, pointing his
wand at him. "Goodbye, Tom," replied Dumbledore with hatred in his eyes as
he shot a jet-flame of fire into Voldemort's chest. Voldemort's eyes
widened, looking down at his burnt and severely-damaged chest. Blood was
dripping out in large amounts. Voldemort couldn't believe what had just
happened. "You'll-never-be-rid..." gasped Voldemort, "...of me." And with
that, Voldemort fell backwards and disapparated into thin air. Dumbledore
raised his wand once more and said a special charm, in which great amount of
colorful lights and sparks ignited from the tip of Dumbledore's wand and
into the formless shape of Harry's body. Within seconds, the sharp pain in
Harry's forehead had ceased and his bodily form was soon returned to him.
"Come on, Harry. Let's get back," replied Dumbledore as he helped Harry up,
to his feet, at the same time picking up his even-more broken glasses.
"Thanks, sir." |
* * * |
Everything was put right when Dumbledore returned back to the Great
Hall. No more lizards or chaos. A little confusion, at the most. Soon after
everyone was settled and cared for in the Hospital Wing, Dumbledore took
Harry and some of the teachers up to his office to explain everything, after
first telling McGonagall about what had happened, so that she could announce
it to the students. "Harry, I know that you're in quite a bit of shock and
pain at the same time, and I would like to clarify what happened,"
Dumbledore said in his usual, calm voice. "Yes sir," replied Harry as he
wiped some blood away from his lip with a handkerchief. "First off, I know
you're thinking about why I was lying unconscious on the ground and why
everyone else in the Great Hall had turned into lizards. Well, the cause was
the simple work of Salazar Slytherin and Lord Voldemort. Perhaps, I should
go back all the way and explain. After Voldemort had come back into his
human form in your fourth year, he summoned the Death Eaters to find the one
possession that belonged to Salazar Slytherin. A ring. Once the Death Eaters
had found the ring, they gave it to Voldemort, whom used it to contact
Slytherin. He wanted Slytherin to help him carry out this terrible task that
you and everyone else in this school has just experienced. Wormtail helped
create a powerful spell, in which Voldemort could use to speak to other
wizards, living or dead. It is this spell, that Wormtail and Voldemort
wanted to keep secret, so that no other wizard could use it to become more
powerful that Voldemort, himself. Tonight, when the chaos began in the Great
Hall, I stepped forward to investigate, by going into the Chamber of
Secrets. Not a very wise choice, but seeing as the Ministry of Magic still
hadn't arrived and there was nothing else that could be done, I went. So,
when I reached the end of a very steep tunnel passageway, in which you and I
slid down on, I was attacked by none other than Salazar Slytherin." |
"How did you know-" Harry began. "Right after he attacked me, I saw
him change into the form of a snake and slither away. Then after awhile, you
came and tried to rescue me, but in doing so, I merely became bait for your
encounter with Voldemort." "And a bloody ghost in the bathroom!" cried
Snape, putting the bag of ice back onto his head. "Quiet, Severus, that has
nothing to concern with this. Do you understand, Harry?" "Yes, I do," Harry
answered as he sighed. "Okay, good. We can talk later if you'd like, but
right now, I think it would be the best if everyone got some rest. You may
leave now, Harry. Good night." "Good night," replied Harry as he got up to
leave. When Harry reached the Gryffindor common room, he sat down on a chair
in front of the fire and closed his tired eyes, taking off his mended
glasses, in which Dumbledore had fixed for him. No one else was in the
common room, except for himself, and a friend. Ron stepped into the common
room and saw Harry sitting on a chair. "Hey Harry!" whispered Ron, hurrying
over. "Where were you? Everyone was so freaked out-" "Not now Ron,
I'm too tired," replied Harry as he dozed off to sleep finally. Ron
understood. "Goodnight, Harry," Ron said as he patted Harry lightly on the
shoulder and went up to the boy's dormitory.
Story no 2
Harry was relieved that Christmas was so close. About a week
left, to be exact. Who could blame him though? Everyone in Hogwarts
was excited. Harry went with Ron to send Pigwidgeon off to deliver a
Christmas card to his mum and dad. "Hold still, you dumb owl!" cried
Ron as he tried to tie the card to his owl's leg, but Pigwidgeon was
too excited about Christmas to even think about delivering a card.
"Here, let me help," Harry said as he held Pigwidgeon down.
"Thanks," replied Ron as he finally finished and quickly sent his
owl off. He gave a sigh of relief. "I gotta get another owl," Ron
said a little annoyed. "Oh Ron, don't complain. Atleast, you got
one, right?" said Harry. "Yeah," Ron said, smiling a little. "Guess
you're right." "That's what I thought. Let's go visit Hermione in
the libary," Harry suggested. "Okay," Ron said as he and Harry
hurried off to the libary. When they reached the libary, Hermione
had just walked out, carrying an armful of books. "Hermione!" cried
Ron. "We were just about to come and visit you!" "What are you doing
with all those books? It's the holidays, Hermione," Harry said. "For
your information, they're reading material for my pleasure," replied
Hermione cooly. "Lemme take a look," replied Ron as he grabbed the
book on top of the pile of books in her arms. "Hmmm, 3090 ways to
spend Christmas at Hogwarts. Interesting." "Well, sometimes I
rather not completely waste my holiday," replied Hermione
defensively. "Just kidding, Hermione. Come and walk with us," said
Ron. "What? In this temperature?" cried Hermione, almost spilling
her pile of books. "Yeah," Harry said. "What's the matter?" "Oh
nothing. All right. I'll come, but atleast let me put these books in
Gryffindor Tower first," replied Hermione as the three of them
hurried off to Gryffindor Tower to drop off the books. After they
did that, they all walked around the front of the school, around the
lake, and visited Hagrid for a little while. |
Dark finally came and they returned to Hogwarts. After the
dinner had finished, everyone went to their common rooms. Ron yawned
in a chair by the fire. "I'm tired. I think I'm gonna fall asleep,"
he yawned. "Oh Ron, you are so predictable," grinned Hermione. "Who
wants hot chocolate?" yelled Seamus, standing on a chair. Everyone
in the common room suddenly bursted out, answering "yes" to Seamus's
question. "All right. Form a single line!" cried Seamus over the
loud noise as he swung his wand around in the air a couple times,
causing some sparks to appear, then dozens of cups of hot chocolate
filled the air, lowering themselves into student's hands. Hermione
smiled, "That Seamus. No one's ever done this sort of thing before."
"Yeah. I'm gonna get a cup, want ont?" asked Harry. "Sure. Thanks,"
answered Hermione. When all the hot chocolate was finally drained to
the last drop by the Gryffindor students, they all fell asleep. The
fire blazed in the common room. |
* * * |
Five days later, after another Christmas feast had passed,
everyone went up to their common rooms to get a good night's rest.
There was only two days left until Christmas and the holidays were
becoming ever-so bright. Everything and everyone was cheery. Even
Malfoy had taken a break of teasing Harry and the other Gryffindors.
Right before everyone was about to sleep in Gryffindor Tower,
Hermione suddenly remembered something. "Oh shoot!" "What?" replied
Harry and Ron at the same time. "I forgot to return a book that I
borrowed! It was due today!" cried Hermione. "Oh Hermione, don't
worry. It's Christmas, I'm sure the libarians are probably too busy
to even care about it!" replied Ron, yawning deeply. "Well, that's
just a guess, Ron! I don't want to be a worry-wort or anything, but
it's just habit!" cried Hermione. "And it's time to go to bed!"
"Want me to return it for you?" asked Harry, feeling cheery. "What?
Thanks, but that just kinda insults me in a way," said Hermione.
"What are you talking about?" asked Harry again. "Well, it's like
you're saying that females can't do anything!" replied Hermione.
Harry and Ron were wide-eyed. "Hermione! It was just a question! He
was just trying to help!" cried Ron. "Well, excuse me Ron. No
one's exactly asked me something like that before," said
Hermione, defensively again. "Hermione. This can't be the hardest
question you've answer, unless you count the time Viktor Krum asked
you out to the Yule Ball," joked Harry as he and Ron laughed.
Hermione narrowed her eyes than sighed. "Fine, take it to the
libary. Thanks," replied Hermione as she shoved the book into
Harry's arms. Everyone was beginning to walk up to their
dormitories. "Don't be out too late," replied Hermione. "Sure, mom,"
replied Ron as he started walking with Harry out the common room.
"Wait! I forgot my Invisibility Cloak," cried Harry as he hurried up
to the dormitory and grabbed it and came back down. "What are you
doing, Ron?" "What do you mean? I'm coming with you!" cried Ron.
"It's okay, Ron. I can do it by myself. I've done lots of other
things by myself before, you know," said Harry. "Fine, fine. Just be
careful, Harry. Good night guys," yawned Ron as he went up the
stairs to the boy's dormitory. Hermione smiled as Harry went to the
entrance door and left. |
About five minutes after Harry left the common room, he
was thinking to himself, why did I ever suggest to do this? Why
do I do these things? Well, I guess it's just the holiday spirit.
It's Christmas. After awhile of walking and jogging, he finally
reached the libary. He went inside and took out his wand, saying,
"Lumos." Instantly, the tip of his wand lit up with green light,
shining around the libary. He glanced down at the cover of the book
he was holding. "Christmas With Wizards", he read aloud.
"Interesting books, Hermione. Hmmm, this must be some kind of
leisure book, so that has to go around here...or there." He went
around from isle to isle, looking for the correct section of the
libary to put the book in. "Where is that leisure section?" he asked
himself. He glanced around the libary. Then he suddenly got an idea.
He whispered, "Exacto-findius." The book suddenly hovered in the
air, then after a short while, it started to float to the left of
Harry, towards a group of aisles. Harry followed the book as it
floated away. Then he glanced at a gold-plated sign, with the words
Leisure engraved into it. "Cool," replied Harry. The book had
found its position on a shelf on an aisle. "Well, the book's back on
its shelf and it's time for me to get back," said Harry as he
started to make his way towards the libary door. |
Then a small, shimmering light appeared from behind Harry.
It seemed to be coming from behind an aisle. "Hmmm. What's that?"
said Harry as he started to walk towards the light. He walked behind
the aisle, in which the light was coming from. Then, Harry stopped,
gazing upon a giant mirror...The Mirror of Erised. Why was it
glowing? "Weird," Harry said as he looked up at it, some fond
memories returning to his mind from his first year at Hogwarts.
"Should it be glowing?" asked Harry to himself. He started to walk
away, when he saw that the light had suddenly changed from a white
color to a faint orange and yellow color. "Wow," gasped Harry at the
beautiful light. It was truly an amazing sight to look at. Harry's
eyes continued to stay on the light coming from the mirror. The
light was starting to make Harry feel like he was dreaming.
Suddenly, his body felt weightless as he closed his eyes. When he
opened his eyes, he realized that he was in a different place; a
place which had bright, white clouds everywhere, along with mist.
Harry turned around, bedazzled at what he was seeing. The
temperature was humid, warmer, yet colder than in the libary.
Where am I?, Harry asked himself. What's going on?
"Harry, is that you?" a voice suddenly asked. The voice was soft and
gentle, a female voice. Could it be? Harry slowly turned around, the
voice sounding very, very familar. Harry gasped. "Mum?" Then another
voice came. This time, it was a male voice- Harry's father! "Dad!"
Harry cried aloud. The two figures moved towards Harry, their faces
becoming more clearer. "Mum! Dad!" cried Harry as he ran towards
them. When he got closer, he spread out his arms, in an attempt to
hug them, but he suddenly fell through them. "Harry!" Lily
Potter cried. "Harry, are you all right?" asked James Potter. Harry
got up, uninjured. "Yes, I'm okay. What's going on? How did I get
here?" replied Harry. |
"It's Christmas, Harry. The season of miracles," answered
James. "Oh..." replied Harry. "I miss you guys so much!" "The same
with us. We miss you too, Harry," said Lily as she looked upon the
face of her only child. "It's been awhile since we've seen you,"
said James as he sat down on a cloud that was nearby. "Um, are we in
Heaven?" asked Harry in a shy, yet curious voice. Lily smiled
brightly and answered, "Yes." Harry gasped again. "What's wrong?"
asked James. "Why are you startled?" Harry wasn't sure if he was
thinking correctly, but he said, "If we're in Heaven...am I dead?"
Lily and James let out a small, polite laugh. "What? What's so
funny?" asked Harry suddenly. "No, son. You're not dead. It seems
that the Mirror of Erised just brought you here," answered James, as
he stopped laughing and grinned instead. Harry smiled, relieved.
"Oh, okay! Just wondering," he said laughing a little. "So how's
school, Harry?" asked Lily. "Do you have to ask me?" Harry mumbled.
"Well, seeing as I'm your mother, yes," replied Lily. "It's been
good. A little harder every year," answered Harry. "That's good to
know," grinned Lily as James cleared his throat. "So, have you met
any new friends?" James asked, curiously. "Uh, yeah actually. I've
got a lot, but just two others as close ones," said Harry. "Ron
Weasley and Hermione." "Would Ron's mother be Molly Weasley?" asked
Lily. "Yes," answered Harry again. "Oh!" started Lily, "I use to
know her! And also Arthur Weasley! I'm assuming they got married?"
replied Lily joyously. "Yup. They got married, had a couple
children." "The cute couple. Can you believe that, James?" asked
Lily, turning to Harry's father. "Uh, no," he answered. Harry
laughed. |
People have always told him that he was a lot like his
father, and now that he finally got a chance to meet him, those
people most have been right! "So...how have things been up here?"
asked Harry, trying to sound polite. There was a momentary pause.
"Well, it's been quiet. We've really missed you. Since we've
first arrived here, we've been worrying about you. Wondering if
you're safe, away from harm. Wondering if we would ever see
you again..." Lily's voice dozed off. "It's been kind of hard,"
replied James, "...knowing that 'You Know Who' is still out there."
Harry, who couldn't contain himself, blurted out, "He's come back."
There was another momentary silence. "Yes. We know, and that's why
we're worrying more than ever. He's back in human form, able to hold
a wand by himself...Who knows what can happen?" said James in a soft
voice. "Should there be any danger, our only hope has been given to
you and Dumbledore," started Lily again. "And a few other friends."
Harry knew who his mother was talking about, when she mentioned 'and
a few other friends'. Remus Lupin and Sirius Black. "Mum...dad,
there's been a lot of questions that have aquired inside my head,
ever since I learned the truth about myself..." Harry's voice
starting to drifted off. "Yes?" said Lily. "Well, why did Voldemort
want to kill me?" asked Harry, his voice starting to quiver a
little. |
James answered, "When he was first powerful, the only
people he feared was Dumbledore and us. Somehow, your mother and I
were very special when we were little. We could use our minds to
carry-out magical spells, things like that. Wands weren't usually
neccessary for us. We were both popular and unpopular to some kids
in Hogwarts. Dumbledore, became one of our closest friends. Someone
we could depend on. He wasn't the Headmaster at the time, but he was
our professor. During the time we were your age, many dark forces
started brewing everywhere in the wizarding world. Many wizards soon
started to come out of other wizarding schools, as evil sorcerers.
Maybe five from Hogwarts. One of those people, was Tom Riddle, who
you know as Voldemort. I'm not sure about this, but most dark
wizards fear symbols of good. Anything that was good and decent in
the world would bring them down. But anything that was good and
powerful, would destroy them enternally. That's why some wizards
hated us. Many of them taunted us, but no one, other than Riddle had
the nerve to try to kill us." Harry finally understood. He knew more
of the reason why his parents died. "When we finally graduated from
Hogwarts, we started seriously dating. Your mother and I went out
more often, and eventually got married when we had jobs and were old
enough. Then, we had you. Now, by this time, Riddle had completely
become evil. His heart was black as ever. He couldn't turn back.
Then one day, your mother gave birth to you. We have no idea how
Voldemort heard of this, but he did. Then he sent his Death Eaters
to try and kill us, but they failed. He killed some of the Death
Eaters and eventually came after us, himself. He tracked us down
with some of his assistants, and before you know it, we ended up
here. Sirius had tried to protect us and you as well, but he got
scared, and told Pettigrew to protect you, but that didn't work
out." |
Harry didn't like one thing about Peter Pettigrew. He was
an animagus, like James, Sirius, and Lupin. Pettigrew had
transformed himself into a rat and escaped. "Blast that
Pettigrew..." replied James as he momentarily glanced at the
cloud-covered ground. Harry wasn't sure if he should ask his next
question at this time, but he couldn't resist. "Mum...dad, why do I
have this scar on my forehead?" Lily and James looked at each other,
then James answered again, "Harry, you have that scar because when
Voldemort attempted to kill you, after we were gone, his evil
couldn't compare with the pure goodness inside you. I'm not too fond
myself, but all I can say is that the cause was only a miracle. That
scar has protected you for so long of a time." "When Voldemort said
that spell, it backfired..." began Lily. All this information that
Harry was hearing made it seem as though he were the "chosen one".
"Son, at a later time, you will probably understand all this. I know
that everyone has told you this already, but Dumbledore will explain
everything when you're older. Perhaps when you graduate from
Hogwarts," said James as he put his hand on Harry's shoulder.
Suddenly, there was a somewhat loud ringing noise. "What's that?"
asked Harry. "That is the sign that you must go back," replied Lily.
"What?" Harry gasped, "No! I wanna be here, with you and dad! No! I
can't leave, I don't want to..." "Son, we won't ever leave you. Just
remember, that we will always be inside you. In your heart,"
James said as he stood up. Harry took quick glances of his mother
and father's face. "No...I can't. I just can't..." Harry's voice
drifting off. "You have friends waiting for you down there,
wondering where you are, protecting you. You can't stay here. It's
not your time..." Lily said sadly, gazing upon her son's face.
Harry's emotion got the best of him and he threw himself towards his
parents, with open arms. He hugged them both, tightly, and his
parents did the same. Harry looked up, and there was a single tear
in his eye. Lily wiped the tear from his face, at the same time a
small tear drop came from her eye as well. "It was good to see you
again, Harry," she said. "I promise, we'll see each other again. I
promise...Now go." Lily and James let go of Harry and they slowly
faded away. Harry looked bewildered. Where did they go? Then, there
was a bright flash of blue and white light, which blinded his eyes
completely. He fell back and dizziness erupted through his brain. A
moment later, he opened his eyes and all he could see were book
shelves. He was lying on the floor of the libary. His wand at his
side. He realized where he was and immediately got up, picking up
his wand and wiping the sweat from his forehead. He breathed hard,
but soon stopped as he calmed down. |
* * * |
Harry got back into the common room at Gryffindor Tower
and quietly went up the stairs to his dormitory. When he finally
reached the top of the stairs and went in, complete darkness
surrounded him. Following his instincts, he walked over to his
four-post bed and lied down. He took off his Invisibility Cloak and
glasses and placed those items and the wand by his bedside table.
Harry stared at the ceiling for a little while, trying to remember
what the faces of his parents looked like. It was all fading away
now. He was getting a little sad now, especially since he was
spending another Christmas without his parents. He sighed, and
rolled over onto his side, catching a glimpse of the window above
Ron's bed. It was dark outside, with millions of stars shining
brightly. Just then, he saw that a large group of stars had compiled
together to form the words "Merry Christmas, Harry". Harry gasped at
the sight of this. Then, after the words faded away, the stars
regrouped, this time, forming a lightning bolt. Harry smiled,
knowing that his parents were watching over him. "Merry Christmas,
mum. You too, dad..." Harry whispered as he dozed off to sleep. |
| |

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Quote of the day:
"So Dobby
stopped us getting on the train and broke your arm... You know what Harry?
If he doesn't stop trying to save your life, he's going to kill you."
- Ron Weasley to Harry Potter