Assamite Clan Crest
.....Sobriquet Saracens .....Clan Disciplines Celerity, Obfuscate, Quietus

Brujah: Had they remained scholars and not taken up arms, we would have been as friends.

Cappadocians: Such magics should not be. They defy Allah with their practices.

Followers of Set: I fear no serpent, not even that which walks as men do.

Gangrel: There is no honor in becoming a beast, no matter how well you kill.

Lasombra: I have seen their hand behind the Crusades. They owe us a debt of blood.

Malkavians: Give charity to the mad; so it is written. But remember that their minds are feeble and broken.

Nosferatu: Is it not said that deformity is the mark of a tainted soul? To destroy one of these pitiful horrors is certainly a great service to them.

Ravnos: Honorless dogs. Surely even their blood is tainted.

Toreador: They have attained some primitive enlightenment, but they are ultimately weak.

Tremere: These sorcerers are of like mind to us. They make useful pawns - and dangerous foes.

Tzimisce: They are distorted, selfish and base. Even the Gangrel are more like men than these.

Ventrue: They have learned of Alamut and would lay siege to the Eagle's Nest. A shame they will always fail.

Baali: We bear them no malice and do not consider them fearsome. But the sons of the Shaitan must never reach their goal.

THE WAYS OFClan Assamite 

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