The vampires of the West had encountered the Assamites long before the Crusaders. Some say that the conquerors who set out for the East - Alexander, for example - were pawns of the Cainites who feared the Assamites. Rumors aside, the Assamites are dreaded for good reason - they seek to better themselves through the practice of diablerie.
According to Assamite teachings, one must lower his generation in order to become closer to Caine, and therefore to Heaven. The truest method is, of course, diablerie. Murder was simply part and parcel of the way, and they became skilled of necessity. They even began a practice of accepting assassination contracts, payable by blood, from other Cainites. Although honor-bound to defend their clanmates, the Assamites had no compunctions about slaying any foreign vampires.
Recently, the Crusades have stirred up a new rash of Assamite activity. Many of the clan have watched their herds and mortal families suffer at the hands of the marauding Westerners, and they thirst for revenge. As Islam takes root in the lands of the Middle East, and Western atrocities hover even closer, the Assamites are now more ready than ever to drink deeply of the European vitae, whether contracted to do so or not.
The clan elders live at Alamut, a
hidden fortress atop mountain somewhere in Asia Minor. Neonates who operate
in Europe choose themost inaccessible, remote and private locations as
their havens.
clan tends to watch potential neonates before allowing
an Assamite to sire progeny. Although necessity sometimes demands that
a new childe be sired quickly, the Assamites prefer making time for an
apprenticeship. Optimally, they teach a new initiate (or fida'i)
for seven years, but this varies with need. The one thing that no Assamite
sire neglects to instill in his childe is clan loyalty.
Assamites do not Embrace females or Westerners, and tend to select mathematicians, poets and scientists as often as they choose warriors or thieves. Their Demeanors disguise their true selves by necessity. Any Attributes may be primary, but Skills are usually the primary Abilities. Popular Backgrounds include Mentor (the sire) and Generation (often from diablerie). Virtually every Assamite follows the Blood Road.
The Assamites follow a hierarchy that peaks with the Old Man of the Mountain, the master of the clan. Assamites are incredibly loyal to each other, and the clan operates with a startling efficiency. If not for the clan's insistence on relf-relliance, one who wrongs a fida'i could well feel an Assamite elder's anger.
Hush and be still, O my enemy. It is nothing else than Fate which drives my hand, and you suffer no dishonor in falling to a superior foe.
rujah: Had they remained scholars and not taken up arms, we would have been as friends.
appadocians: Such magics should not be. They defy Allah with their practices.
ollowers of Set: I fear no serpent, not even that which walks as men do.
angrel: There is no honor in becoming a beast, no matter how well you kill.
asombra: I have seen their hand behind the Crusades. They owe us a debt of blood.
alkavians: Give charity to the mad; so it is written. But remember that their minds are feeble and broken.
osferatu: Is it not said that deformity is the mark of a tainted soul? To destroy one of these pitiful horrors is certainly a great service to them.
avnos: Honorless dogs. Surely even their blood is tainted.
oreador: They have attained some primitive enlightenment, but they are ultimately weak.
remere: These sorcerers are of like mind to us. They make useful pawns - and dangerous foes.
zimisce: They are distorted, selfish and base. Even the Gangrel are more like men than these.
entrue: They have learned of Alamut and would lay siege to the Eagle's Nest. A shame they will always fail.
aali: We bear them no malice and do not consider them fearsome. But the sons of the Shaitan must never reach their goal.