"The Story Of BO DIDDLEY...":
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Margo Lewis or Faith Fusillo
Co-Managing Partners, The Estate of Bo Diddley
Talent Source Management
105 Shad Row - Second Floor
Piermont, NY 10968
T: 212-730-2701
F: 845-359-4609
E: info@talentsourcemanagement.com
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Talent Consultants International (TCI)
BO DIDDLEY - The Originator
A Celebration of his unique contribution to Popular Music.
"Hush Your Mouth...!"
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Our grateful thanks to Dave and Brad at Bravenet Webmaster Services for the Guestbook, Forum, Site Counter, Mailing List, Website Search Engine and Chat Room facilities used on this BO DIDDLEY-The Originator Website.
(c) Copyright David Blakey 1998-2018. All Rights Reserved. No images on this website may be stored or reproduced in any way without the written permission of the copyright holder. Extracts from this publication may be copied for educational purposes only. No extracts may be copied and used for commercial purposes without the written permission of the copyright holder.