
That's right, Quizling has decided to become an armoror. So far I have made a box-patterned bracelet, a spiral necklace, and a pouch, besides the little sheets of plain old 4-in-1. I don't have pictures of anything (boohoo) and even if I did I would still have to find a scanner somewhere....

So, I work with 14 gauge galvanized steel with 5/16" inside diameter. It gives me a good excuse not to do homework, and I always wanted to flunk out of college....

That's all I have to say on the subject for now, except that I don't see why some people don't like needle-nose pliers, 'casue I love 'em.

Stuff for Sale

For pricing, mail me at
Everything I learned is linked to here, Sara's Chainmail Connection (not me, obveously). A really good resource.

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