
Hooligan Anit-Defamation League
Hooligan: a young ruffian
Ruffian: violent lawless person. Thus spake the dictionary.
As a hooligan, I am rather offended by this. Jenny is not even young. We are not lawless or particularely violent. People we snipe aren't mortally killed. We have plenty of laws, passed down from the first Hooligan laws written down and burned to make them permanent. We follow our laws. If you really need us to, we can site every law we follow for everything we do. As Hooliganism is our religion, we believe that this definition is degrading and discriminatory. We have been opressed for centuries, and it's time to claim equal rights for our freedom of religion. Join us in this fight. Write publishers and tell them to stop using "Hooligan" as a derogatory term. You have your religeous freedom; help us get ours.
So you want to know about Hooligans? Here is a collection of Hooligan sayings, truisms, and things we want to say to the general public. They are unorganized for a reason. Just accept it.
- No matter how much you want to, never touch the pretty red moving stuff.
- Water the Hooligan: we like to be watered.
- As soon as you polish your boots really well, you will have a sudden, undeniable urge to go put them in a river/lake and drag them through several miles of thorns, rocks, trees and hills.
- If you try to talk to the Hooligan, don't expect an answer.
- Leaches that suck boots don't deserve to live.
- The ones that leave huge welts weeks aferward didn't deserve to live either.
- Acceptable grammer; the minimal or most confusing way to get your point across to your audience, depending on weather it's a Hooligan or a nonbeliever.
- Chair pixies are very fickle, even for pixies
- Sometimes other people can see the blue thigns too...
- But sometimes they lie.
- Friends are not acceptable if attatched to someone of the opposite sex.
- No exceptions.
- Even if this leaves half of us with no friends at all.
- People are really stupid
- But it's fun to play with their heads...
- Unless they are being inappropriate.
- Worship in a well-rounded manner (wellroundedly) and you will be smiled upon
- Giggle hysterically at utter strangers for maximum enjoyment?
- Decorative# punctuation is* fun|
- People think you're weirder if you go where people are than if you go where people aren't!
- knives and fire and bodies of water
- Sit in trees and snipe the people.
- Hide from hall monitors no more!
- snipe 'em
- Synch the clothes cycle@
- It intimidates the general populus if you smell like a river or lake++
- Food is for wimps.
- Unless a sible makes it...
- Always water evenly to grow evenly.
- Did I mention we like to be watered ^
- And don't care what you% think about $it
- in
- One Hooligan can scare away two scary fisherpeopleses
- I caught a fish and let it go.
- Water and fire mix very well, thank you~
- But that wax is a little hot...
- fish
- We like sticks in our hair and polish on faces and hands and not on boots __
- The ribbons in our pants are to restrain ourselves if we go crazy ~@^*
- A Hooligan with her backpack is a whole Hooligan
- But only if both bodies are there too.
- And some sugar but we're not gonna get into that and it's almost a given-
- We are illiterate: that's why we go through books so fast, even though we don't burn 'em>
- Anything will burn of you're patient enough...
- Josh is not worth blood even, no matter how insecure his house is.
- Fire can cure almost anything
- Drugs can do the rest (not like real drugs, but nonperscription pain relievers.)
- There are too many red candles.
- Email is not as potent as face-to-face, but more obveously addictive
- NEVER leave your quam alone. EVER
- empty lists are fun!
- Always look both ways
- Promote geographical diverity amongst yourself
- be careful where you stick out your tongue, for obvious reasons
- school is for losers!
- Hooligans like to kiss.
The Hooligan Solstice fire lasted more than 12 hours :) We wouldn't let the non-believers we dragged along even carry the rocks for the fire-pit. We carried them all. Then we made the fire, 'cause Mommy said we better make ot to have cooking stuff there... Then we watched it, almost constantly, 'til it died, at 5:45 am.
To see an important bit of Hooliganism, go to Monaco
Another important bit of Hooliganism can be found here.
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