
Hooligan Anit-Defamation League

Hooligan: a young ruffian
Ruffian: violent lawless person.
Thus spake the dictionary.
As a hooligan, I am rather offended by this. Jenny is not even young. We are not lawless or particularely violent. People we snipe aren't mortally killed. We have plenty of laws, passed down from the first Hooligan laws written down and burned to make them permanent. We follow our laws. If you really need us to, we can site every law we follow for everything we do. As Hooliganism is our religion, we believe that this definition is degrading and discriminatory. We have been opressed for centuries, and it's time to claim equal rights for our freedom of religion. Join us in this fight. Write publishers and tell them to stop using "Hooligan" as a derogatory term. You have your religeous freedom; help us get ours.
So you want to know about Hooligans? Here is a collection of Hooligan sayings, truisms, and things we want to say to the general public. They are unorganized for a reason. Just accept it.

The Hooligan Solstice fire lasted more than 12 hours :) We wouldn't let the non-believers we dragged along even carry the rocks for the fire-pit. We carried them all. Then we made the fire, 'cause Mommy said we better make ot to have cooking stuff there... Then we watched it, almost constantly, 'til it died, at 5:45 am.

To see an important bit of Hooliganism, go to Monaco

Another important bit of Hooliganism can be found here.

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