All you never wanted to know about Sara

All about me!
A brief description:
- Name: Sara
- Age: 18
- Birthday: August 9th
- Sign: Leo (the lion-rrrhar!)
- Height: 6' 1" (barefoot, so nyah!)
- Location: Melbourne FL (School Year) & Maple Grove,Minnesota, USA (Summer)
- Sports: Odyssey of the Mind (OM), Cross Country running, track-high jump, 1600m, 3200m
- Hobbies: I'm an OMer. I don't have hobbies!
- Drug of choice: sugar!
- Occupation: Student, and soccer referee
- Ambition in life: To become an aerospace engineer and make a solar-powered tank (unrelated goals)
- Obsessions: Jenny, Hair (yes the musical), space, fantasy (books and a way of life), Jenny etc.
- Stuff: The whole world's insane~me most of all!
- Raondom Fear: High winds, because when I was small a huge tree fell on my room in a strong wind and I've been terrified of it ever since.
- The greatest country to ever exist on the face of this planet, which just happens to be ruled by my friend, Queen Ann: Monaco
- Really spiffo quote: "High school is probably one of the most horrible times in a person's life."
- Political ideas: Anarchy!

This is the real, un-adorned, psycho, ME!
What else can I tell you? I hate drugs, cigaretts, alcohol, and most of the people who use them. I'm a sophmore (sort of) in college now. My senior year of highschool I went to the community college cause I hate the U of M. It's way too big for a forest Hooligan like me.
I love fire: Andy gave me a candle with *something* in it, that
you have to burn to get out. After 5 hours of constant burning, I got
this cool peace-sign necklace!
I have this problem walking through the woods alone. I always get cut up on thorns and sticks, but when Jenny's there, I don't. Odd...
I'm desperately in love with a wonderful woman. The special part is that she loves me too, so the whole world is happy. We're getting married this summer (June 26!!!!)! I'm a bit excited. (Jumping off the walls, hanging off the ceiling, climbing furnature...)
© 1997 Quizling