The Asylum

Like you wanted to know...

I'm a graduate of Maple Grove Senior High in Minnesota (for the whole story on hall monitors there). I took Post Secondary Enrollment Options my senior year at the community college 'cause I hate the U of M. (PSEO is where high school students attend college and the state pays for it). I'm going to Florida Tech now. So far (1 week into classes) I like it a lot.

I actually did a space page. Or am doing. It's getting better, though. So if you want Space stories, links and stuff, click here. You are going to Hell if you are a homosexual or...

Stuff I've learned in college
Did you do Culture-in-a-Box? Did you hate it as much as everyone else? Join the club!
Ideas, feedback, or threats, mail me.

I support free speech on the web.

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