The Asylum-Monaco
All Hail Queen Xanthe, ruler of Monaco!
Although many of you know me as Sara, the inma- uh... manager of the Asylum. Actually, in my other life, I am honored to be a member of Monaco's famed Commandos. Besides the normal Commando stuff, like doing anything Queen Xanthe asks and promoting Monaco, I have been accepted as Monaco's One nad Only Paratrooper. I am grateful to all Monaco for this esteemed post. I get to jump out of airplanes for my queen!
Commando training and such...
For Take Your Daughters to Work Day, SaraChristine annd I went to Armstrong High School with my mommy. There, we drew on her whiteboards, promoting Monaco and the Commandos, writing "All Hail Queen Xanthe" in nice, big, legible letters, all over! Then we claimed part of AHS's back lawn as Monaco territory, and also the back corner to a classroom. If we had Commando shirts, we would have worn them....
SaraChritine, Kevin and I went hiking. We took sticks and scouted a river. Janvieve and myself had preveously scouted it, but now it was no longer frozen over, so some new reconnaissance was needed. We took sticks and set off on the mile and a half hike to the dam. The dam was non-crossable. So we tried the rocks at the foot. There were logs in the way, and we didn't trust them. Kevin did, but as his superior commandos, we saved him and made him not kill himself on the treacherous logs. They sat on the rocks, and I went searching for a way to cross. I climbed around some barbed-wire, through a lot of thorns, and over a tree. No way accross. Now I was stuck behind this tall barbed wire, not strong enough for me to climb over, and the strands too close to climb through. Hhhmmm.... I had a forked stick, and I propped up the lowest strand and crawled under. After finding a (somewhat) safe crossing, I rejoined the rest of my expedition and we crossed. Then we scouted another half-mile downstream. Finally hunger turned us back home. Instead of crossing again, we decided to cut through a field and some houses. Except when we got into the houses, we were lost. We got out again. Barely.
The Moral is: If you might be going through neighborhoods and/or houses, bring a compass."
Janvieve and I went hiking today. Actually, we hike a lot. But today we had a religious analogy. While walking, we came to a stream. (Being the first Moncaconians to discover it, we named it Cercey River.) There is a path running along the river. We followed the river through the woods. Thorns, water, barbed wire, random sticks, people, and the GreenThing... We beat them all. There wasn't always a clear way through the woods. The bank kept getting steeper. Eventually, there was no way we could keep going the way we were without getting wet. So we had to climb up this steep hill/cliff thing. (OK, I'm not used to steep thingees-Janvieve was OK with it.) Eventually, we had to use the path or be late to class. The religious analogy is- we took the hard way, not the easy road to Hell. Going back to school, we took the easy path. Does that tell you something?
Fording the mighty Cercey River
Janveive and I have been talking a lot recently about the river. We were walking along one day, and decided that the last day of school, we would wade through the river and walk around dripping wet for the rest of the day. We have ot wait intil the last day of school otherwise we are wet in school, dripping all over the carpet. So, a fairly warm day, we're out along the bank of the river, looking for possible fording places in case of emergency. That's just how we think, OK? There are some rocks sticking out of the water, so I stand on them. When I decide to move, I fall in. OK, the water was all of maybe three inches deep, but it splashed and surprised me. After a little discussion, we decided to ford the river that day. Janvieve is in a skirt, and I'm in jeans-probably the worst thing to ford in. Oh well. We walk over side-by-side 'cause Janvieve says that's how you do it, in case on of us gets swept downstream. The water doesn't even go over the tops of my boots. Jenny has jungle boots, though, so water goes through the canvas and makes her feet squishy wet. When it's time to go back to class, we're still on the wrong side of the stream. Another oppertunity to ford presents itself, though not as nice a place as the first time. There is a little mud, and the water is going faster. In we go. The water is also a little highr than last time, and goes into my boots. Squishy wet me too! After picking flowers, we head back to school. Our boots aren't that dirty, only some plant bits that are stuck with water. Then we hit the school's fields. By the time we get to the door, our boots weigh twice as much as they should (even wet), because of the mud. So the mess is not our fault. Janvieve left footprints on the auditorium, and i was wet to the knees throuhg chemistry. Taking my boots off for track, three hours later, my socks were still wet...
Due to some fluke of nature, I got a medal in track. OK, this is new... So I asked Janveive if it would be appropriate to dedicate it to Monaco and Queen Ann. She said yes, so I did (I don't do much of anything without her approval. I am not dependant. Co-dependant we are.). I went into the woods behind my house, lit a candle, carefuly kept it away from anything. And I dedicated it to Monaco and Queen Ann.
Osseo Red-Shirts
A glorious congregation of commandos were on a mission of utmost importance: ifiltrate the Osseo Senior High informal senior picture. Objective: to spread the fame of Monaco and Queen Xanthe far and wide. As many as could be mustered subtley infiltrated the ranks of football players and cheerleaders. Dressed in commando uniform, they procured a visible place on the bleachers. Even the commandos who had been severed from Osseo and followed Xanthe to Maple Grove were present- truely a rare and powerful gathering. Unfortunately, it was too important an event to escape the notice of the Red Shirts (evil enemies of Monaco) of OSH. They duped some football players (lazy...) into taking a road sign to the picture. Then the administration, thinking it would be bad to let htis illlegal sign be published, declared a re-take. It was schedualed directly after school, so many of those origionally present could not attend. The remander, out of fear for their lives, went incognito, if at all. Just as the Enemies had planned.
The Commandos Expand
Many Commandos have finally broken free of the evil clutches of high school and gone on to the long probation called "college." We have spread to campuses in Minneapolis; Fargo/Moorhead; Houghton, MI; Iowa; Melbourne, FL. We spread the fame and goodness of Xanthe. We convert even more people to the good cause, and kill those who stand in our way. Just watch us, and you'll see what we can do together.
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