This is the main page you probably came in on. It has my guestbook and the standard "This is my page" stuff.
Anything you never wanted to know about me.
This is about the woman in my life. Mushy and not for the closed-minded. Includes "the story," and coming out, as soon as I have....
Pictures of OM, solstice, random other stuff.
Tripod Page
This just has stuff on it. College and random junk that doesn't fit anywhere else.
Roving Death Squad
In 11th grade, Jenny and I were chased around by a hall monitor (we're "good kids"). This is a journal of those trials.
A couple Kipling poems that I like a lot. Eventually I will find more poems that I like this much and might have more than just Kipling, but thats what's there now.
For students at Maple Grove Senior high who hate Culture-in-a-Box, joing the Anti-Culture-in-a-Box-Club here.
Members of ACIABC
A list of members of the aforesaid Anti_Culture-in-a-Box-Club.
These are the people who call the Asylum, if not home, at least they could if they wanted to. Links to my buds' pages.
Strange Stories
This is my life. Very little gets put here, but the memorable things that either have wide appeal (read my friends want to know) or are just a way to remmeber stuff you had to be there for. Psychiatrists please stay away from this one...
Stuff about music, groups I like, some lyrics, general mishmash.
Pictures of fire. No Hooligan is complete without her fire.
This used to be the art board but I got bored of it (ooohh, excuse the pun). Now it is dedicated to my new hobby-making chainmail. Chainmail is a type of armor made of small circles of metal woven together to make stuff. This is new, and eventually I hope to have pictures, 'cause it's hard to explain with only words.
Weapon Room
The Weapon room. Has pictures of stuff I have, stuff I wish I had, one little rant.
The bits of me better left hidden, psychiatrists shot on entry.
All Hail Queen Xanthe! This is a very small bit about the Commandos. hard to explain, you have to be part of it, but I try.
All you need to know about the wonderful world of Hooliganism.
Here are some things that mostly fall under the heading of politics. Not republican/democrat junk, but views on stuff, nothing that's gonna get anyone really pissed off at me yet, I'm not brave enough to put stuff that I really care about here, but that's ok.
A friend wrote this variation on the Amazon Women in my tenth grade yearbook. I liked it so much (I am the queen) that I put it up (an ego thing).
This is a place to rant about Surge (evil invention of the status quo) and see what others have to say about this insideous brainwasher. Some people have the strange idea that there is nothing wrong with even drinking the stuff, and have the guts to say it in public! what is the world coming to?
The mandatory links that every page must have. Most are just amusing if you can't find anywhere else to go. Not sorted, very eclectic.
Links to pages that send free e-stuff, ie flowers, postcards, meals, etc. I'm looking for more pages to add here.
Just if anyone notices bad links, pictures or wahtnot, please tell me