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Click to email Krista

News About Krista
You know there is always news about Krista, and we know it's mostly why you come here! So just CLICK HERE
to see the latest news and photos of the Moonchild!

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Click to email Denny
News About Dennis
Dennis is busy with office remodeling, the upcoming FSU Seminole Football season, and surfing the web for sites to tell you about.  He also gives some great advice about dogs, so just CLICK HERE f or the latest from Dr. baby!

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Click to email Mary
News About Mary
Mary is full of advice for everyone, and needs somewhere to save those links to all the stuff she here is the place for her opinion of everything online and off!  CLICK HERE to be bored silly, or learn more than you ever wanted to know about computers!  She also gives up a few of those secret family famorite recipes in her online MoonMeals Family Cookbook with new recipes added every week.

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