Station Management...

Many people have passed through the hallowed halls of 3ST and SRA. Listed below are the station managers and where possible technical directors. many of these people have moved on to further work in the broadcasting or communications industry. Like everywhere on this site, much of this information may be a little wrong or seem patchy. If you can add anything please tell me.

1973 - Noel Barndon (manager) & John Maizels (technical manager)
1975 - Jeff Gardner
1976 - Tim Alder / Peter McMullen
1978 to 80 - Steve Aujard
1981 to 83 - Ian Sutherland?
1987 -  Alan James?
1989 - Bill Pemberton (changed name from 3ST back to SRA)
1990 to 91 - Jason Costa  &  Steve Ballinger (technical manager 1991)
1992 - Andrea Ho
1993 - Gina "Jetson" Zouglakis
1994 - Sasha Atkinson (manager) & Stuart Fairweather (technical)
1995 to 96 - Rhiannon Brown (manager) & Danny Phillips (technical)
1996 to 1998 - Ryan Egan (manager) & Rob Schieron (technical)
1999 - Jesse Nonneman & Matt Steadman (technical)

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written, designed and maintained by Ryan Egan