The Union
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The Union
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The Union




Your Father has called you, your brothers and sisters and asked you all to join him for a family reunion. He has invited the whole family. It sounds like it is going to be an extremely large get together and promises to be a wonderful affair.


Your Father lives in a small mountain village, trees, lakes, and streams abound. It is a beautiful place, a perfect setting for a reunion. It will be nice to see all of the family, sharing love, friendship, and stories. It will be nice to get out of this big city, with all of its pollution, and the fast paced enviroment. What a welcome change, you wont have to worry about not having enough time to get everything done. It will be wonderful forgetting about the stresses of life, work and home.


You prepare for the trip, packing and setting things in order. Your spouse and children seem to be excited about the upcoming event too.


The problems begin almst immediately; one of your brothers cannot make the reunion. A large business deal for his company is next week and he needs time to prepare for it. What a shame you think. He used to be such an easy going guy who always had a kind word for everyone he met. You will surely miss his presence.


You hear from a sister who cannot attend as well. Her cooking club is having a display at the local community center on one of the days during the reunion. Her display is set to be one of the main attractions. She is a nice person and an awesome cook, too bad she wont be able to make it.


Another sister has called and informed everyone that she cant make it due to a surgery she has had scheduled for months. You will miss your dear sister, she is so beautiful, and she really is a good person deep inside. You hope her tummy tuck goes well and that there arent any complications.


Another brother has let everyone know that he wont be able to attend. His wife has chastised him and insists that they cannot afford for him to take time off from work because they are saving up to buy a pool. What a shame, dear brother is such a sensitive person, if only he didnt let his wife lead him around like a dog on a leash.


One of your favorite brothers is receiving an award for his community service work. He wont be able to make it due to scheduling conflicts. Dear brother, he has a heart of gold and you love him dearly. It is unfortunate that he cant postpone his award ceremony.


This is truly dismal news, your brother the minister has informed everyone that he cannot attend. He has a sermon to give on Sunday that he has been preparing for weeks. He also doesnt know if the flock would be safe without his presence. Brother is a good man, and really has a spirit of good will. It is sad that he wont be able to make it. You hope his sermon goes well and that he will realize in time that Yah'weh (God), nor his son Yah'shua (Jesus) ever changed the set apart day to SUNday.


You are told that one of your brothers has been hospitalized because he had a drug overdose. He is in a rehabilitation center again. You hope that your dear brother turns from his life of drugs and realizes how little they do for him. Hopefully he will realize that the drugs only temporarily cover up pain.


You discover that another brother has been arrested and is serving jail time for drinking and driving. What a shame, he was always such a moody and introverted person. You love him despite his sour attitudes.


One of you sisters calls you and tells you she wont be able to make it. She tells you that there is a rumour in her town that her best friend may be inheriting a small fortune, and that she wants to be there with her if it happens. O dear sister, she always was a dreamer. Full of fanciful dreams, living her life through other peoples lives. She is so sweet, it is sad to see her spending her life like this.


Your brother who owns a body shop had his 69 Mustang backed into. It looks like he will probably not make it because he wont be able to fix it in time for the reunion. He is such a hard worker and really loves his cars. You love your brother, you just hope that one day he wont think about his work and cars so much.


An emergency has happened at your sisters work. Their computer network has crashed and they are not sure how long it will take to fix it. She will try to make it when she can. Sister is so dedicated; she really knows computers, what a whiz. You hope that she will make it.


How dismal the reunion will be. You will be the only one attending of all your brothers and sisters. You have called your Father and he still wants you to come. It will be nice to see Father; he is so loving and warm. You will leave in the morning. The weather is great and it will be nice to leave the stress of the city.


The next morning arrives and you load up and hit the road. You drive past the familiar surroundings and landmarks get on the freeway and head towards your destination.


Along the way you you experience mechanical problems with your vehicle, flat tires, detours and roadblocks. None of these keep you from arriving at your destination; you truly want to see your Father.


Your Father is happy to see you. He tells you how much he wanted to see his sons and daughters and how much he loves them. He then proceeds to tell you that he is ready to share his vast wealth. Because your brothers and sisters arent present, Father has decided to share his wealth with many loving and caring people He had invited to the event. The reunion became a union; there was much singing and dancing.



1John 2 partial


15Do not love the world nor that which is in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16Because  all  that  is  in  the  world    the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life is not of the Father but is of the world. 17And the world passes away, and the lust of   it,   but   the   one   doing   the   desire   of Elohim remains forever.


May we be given strength to put off the cares of this world when the Father calls us.




Shalom in YHWH's Precious name




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