Information Page
How aware are you?
The Trail of Deception
Stop Thief!
The Spice of Life
The Two Trees
Building the Temple
In the Balance
Idols Idols everywhere
The turning away
The Union
Don't treat me like a child!
Faith as a mustard seed
We dont need another hero, or do we?
Faith, is it enough?
The Many
The Apostolic writings, fiction, mystery, or history?
The Art of science
Truth and consequences
An acceptable sacrifice
Passover and the Feast of Unleavened



We have signs everywhere today. Signs that direct, signs that inform, signs that warn. Signs generally convey needed information to the public. Everyone who has eyes can read the information on them.

 Dave started his day, just like all his workdays with the twenty-two mile drive from his home to work. It was a typical day, nothing unusual just like Dave liked it. The drive to work takes Dave through two small towns. The road is mostly in a mountainous deforested area that a large company is strip mining for its mineral resources. The drive is pretty bleak except when driving through the small towns on his way. Signs along the way direct to intersecting roads, mile markers, a few advertisement billboards, and numerous warning signs. Most of them warning of falling rocks. Dave snickers to himself; he has yet to see rocks in the road during the three years he has been traveling on it. He wonders why they spend the money putting the silly things up. He gets to work and spends the day toiling at his job at the mine, welding broken metal parts on mine equipment.

It was a long hot day; the pace was pretty hectic today. Man, the shower will sure feel good tonight Dave thinks to himself. The drive home was going as usual until Dave rounded the corner and saw the large boulder blocking the roadway. Fighting his fatigue from his grueling day at work, he attempts to avoid the immanent collision. He overcompensates and skids off of the roadside. The long drop to the valley floor leaves his car a mangled heap. Still alive Dave fights with his seatbelt and tries to free himself from the crumpled passenger compartment. He realizes he doesnt have much time, He cant believe it. What he thought only happened in the movies, was happening to him. The vehicles gas tank had caught fire and the fire was enveloping the back of the car.

Dave thinks to himself during his remaining time of how he should have heeded the signs. These signs that he had mocked were there for a reason. The fire envelops the car and Dave becomes another victim of the cruel road that has claimed so many lives.


Warning signs



How many times do we read our scriptures or hear someone telling us to heed the warnings they have to give mankind?

If you are like most people you probably ignore them, or rationalize them as falsities, or believe that the blood of some mystical god saves you.

The truth is plain for all who care to see it. Do you open your eyes and heed the warnings or do you see the truth and act upon it? Either way, you will know the truth, either from the top of the mountain or from the valley floor.


The scriptural signs


What signs do the scriptures give us as warnings? Lets take a look.


Exodus 13:7-10

6Seven days you eat unleavened bread, and on the seventh day is a festival to YHWH. 7Unleavened  bread  is  to  be  eaten  the seven  days,  and  whatever  is  leavened  is not to be seen with you, and leaven is not to be seen with you within all your border. 8And you shall inform your son in that day, saying, It is because of what YHWH did for me when I came up from Mitsrayim. 9And  it  shall  be  as  a  sign  to  you  on your hand and as a reminder between your eyes, that the Torah of YHWH is to be in your mouth,  for  with  a  strong  hand  YHWH  has brought you out of Mitsrayim. 10And you shall guard this law at its appointed time from year to year.

This command given by the Eternal to the Hebrew people to observe the festival of unleavened and it was to be a SIGN to the people. They were to keep it as a Law from year to year (always). The SIGN was to be on their hands (which symbolizes work). And was to be a reminder between their eyes (which symbolizes thought, feelings, and memory).

Lets look at another SIGN given as a warning to the Hebrew people.

Exodus 31

12And YHWH spoke to Mosheh, saying, 13And   you,  speak   to   the   children   of Yisrael, saying, My Sabbaths you are to guard,   by   all   means,   for   it   is   a   sign between   Me   and   you   throughout   your generations,   to   know   that   I,   YHWH,   am setting you apart. 14And you shall guard the Sabbath, for it is set-apart to you. Everyone who profanes it shall certainly be put to death, for anyone who does work on it, that being shall be cut off from among his people. 15Six  days  work  is  done,  and  on  the seventh  is  a  Sabbath  of  rest,  set-apart  to YHWH. Everyone doing work on the Sabbath day shall certainly be put to death. 16And   the   children   of   Yisrael   shall guard the Sabbath, to observe the Sabbath throughout their generations as an everlasting covenant. 17Between Me and the children of Yisrael  it  is  a  sign  forever.  For  in  six  days YHWH made the heavens and the earth, and on   the   seventh   day   He   rested   and   was refreshed.


Here the creator is reaffirming to the Hebrew people that the Sabbath command is to be observed forever and that it was to be a SIGN between the Eternal and his people.


Lets look at one more example.


Ezekiel 55

10So  I  took  them  out  of  the  land  of Mitsrayim,  and  I  brought  them  into  the wilderness. 11And I gave them My laws and showed them  My  right-rulings,  which,  if  a  man does, he shall live by them. 12And I also gave them My Sabbaths, to be a sign between them and Me, to know that I am YHWH who sets them apart. 13But   the   house   of   Yisrael   rebelled against Me in the wilderness. They did not walk  in  My  laws,  and  they  rejected  My right-rulings,   which,   if   a   man   does,   he shall  live  by  them.  And  they  greatly  profaned  My  Sabbaths.  Then  I  said  I  would pour out My wrath on them in the wilderness, to consume them. 14But I acted for My Names sake, not to  profane  it  before  the  gentiles,  before whose eyes I had brought them out. 15And  I  Myself  also  lifted  My  hand  in an  oath  to  them  in  the  wilderness,  not  to bring them into the land which I had given them,  flowing  with  milk  and  honey,  the splendour of all lands, 16because they rejected My right-rulings and did not walk in My laws, and they profaned  My  Sabbaths.  For  their  heart  went after their idols. 17And   My   eye   pardoned   them,   from destroying  them.  And  I  did  not  make  an end of them in the wilderness. 18And  I  said  to  their  children  in  the wilderness,  Do  not  walk  in  the  laws  of your fathers, nor observe their rulings, nor defile yourselves with their idols. 19I  am  YHWH  your  Elohim.  Walk  in  My laws,  and  guard  My  right-rulings,  and  do them. 20And  set  apart  My  Sabbaths,  and  they shall  be  a  sign  between  Me  and  you,  to know that I am YHWH your Elohim.


This example shows us once again that the Sabbaths (the 7th day and the set apart feast days), are a SIGN between YHWH and His people. Also there is a heavy inference that the laws and commands set down by the Creator are entwined with the Sabbath command.


The Fourth commandment is directly after the first three Commandments, which His people are to observe in honor of Him. If we look upon the fourth Commandment in the spirit it was given, we can easily understand that the Sabbath Commandment is a continuation of the love, honor, reverence, and respect that His people should show to Him.


The Signs, where did they go?



The office

We have been receiving a lot of complaints from our south office. I need you to go investigate the situation and report back to me.

Yes sir I will leave in the morning.

I am here to investigate reports of problems here at the office. What are your perceptions of the situation Mr. Clarke?

Well we have problems from time to time, but nothing serious. Actually we were doing pretty well until the company sent the business manager to the office.

What business manager is that?

He was here some time ago. He said he was sent by the company owner to help boost morale and improve understanding of the companys standards and guidelines. He held classes on how to correctly interpret and follow the guidebook.

Did he teach something different than what was in the guidebook?

Well to be honest I dont think he did. He just told us that we didnt have to follow the rules like they were etched in stone, and that every situation is different and that we should do the right thing.

That doesnt sound too bad. If that is what he was teaching, why is this office in such a mess?

Everything was fine for a while, then a small group of people in the office decided that since they had been taught that the letter of the guidebook didnt have to be followed, they could define for themselves how the guidebook should be interpreted. Things have gone downhill ever since. This attitude has gone through the office like the flu, and just about everyone has his or her own interpretations of what the guidebook means.

Thank you for your assistance Mr. Clarke. I need you to schedule a meeting for the whole company for me; everyone needs to be there.

Yes sir, Ill set it up for tommorow morning.


I will make this message short and wont take up much of your time. The company guidebook rules need to be followed. You are not to put your own meaning into the rules. The guidelines were set up to keep everyone in the company happy. What I see happening here is a twisting of the guidelines to fit each individuals desires. This cannot continue. If you want to remain with the company you have to follow these rules. I will return in one month to evaluate your progress. Anyone who cannot abide by the rules will be fired.


Good afternoon Mr. Clarke, I hope everything is going well.

Unfortunately they are not going as well as I would like them to.

What seems to be the problem?

Well we have had about twenty five percent of the office quit because they dont agree with the strictness of the rules in the guidebook. And we have about seventy percent of the people who dont care about what you had to say, and dont believe you will fire them.

Mr. Clarke will you please set up another meeting? I also want a list of the people who are keeping the rules according to the guidebook.

Certainly, I will set it up for tommorow afternoon. Everyone will be available then.


It is with deep regret that I must inform many of you of your termination. You were warned of the consequences, all you had to do was follow the rules as they were intended to be followed. Everyone whose name I do not call is fired.


There was quite a disturbance afterward, cursing, yelling, and screaming, the people objected to the penalty they had received for not listening to the warning and for not keeping the rules set down in the guidebook.


Mr. Clarke please call all of the remaining employees into the conference room in the morning please.

Will do.


Ladies and gentlemen thank you for maintaining your integrity and keeping the rules of the guidebook as they were meant to be followed. I have been authorized by the company owner to promote you all to supervisory positions, and you will all be given pay raises amounting to twenty times your existing wages. Congratulations to you all, it is a pleasure working with you all.





Have the warning signs been changed? Did the Hebrew prophet Yahshua change them? Or is it the wishful thinking of most people, that the god Jesus changed these strict guidelines and made them subject to mankinds own interpretation? Which is it?


Matthew 5 :17

17Do not think that I came to destroy the Torah or the Prophets.  I did not come to destroy but to complete.


Matthew 19:17

17And He said to him, Why do you call Me  good?  No  one  is  good  except  One   Elohim. But if you wish to enter into life, guard the commands.


John 15:10

10If you guard My commands, you shall stay in My love, even as I have guarded My  Fathers  commands  and  stay  in  His love.


Psalm 103 partial

17But the kindness of YHWH Is from everlasting to everlasting Upon those who fear Him, And His righteousness to childrens children, 18To those who guard His covenant, And to those who remember His orders to do them. 19YHWH has established His throne in the heavens, And His reign shall rule over all. 20Bless YHWH, you His messengers, Mighty in power, who do His Word, Listening to the voice of His Word. 21Bless YHWH, all you His hosts, You His servants, who do His pleasure.


Daniel 9 partial

4And I prayed to  YHWH  my Elohim, and made confession, and said, O YHWH, great and  awesome  El,  guarding  the  covenant and  the  kindness  to  those  who  love  Him, and to those who guard His commands. 5We have sinned and did crookedness, and did wrong and rebelled, to turn aside from Your commands and from Your right- rulings. 6And   we   have   not   listened   to   Your servants the prophets, who spoke in Your Name  to  our  sovereigns,  our  heads,  and our  fathers,  and  to  all  the  people  of  the land.


There are literally hundreds of scripture verses that support Commandment keeping, and only very few verses that the meanings are twisted to fit the readers own interpretation. The warning sign has not changed, only the attitudes and perceptions of the people have changed to fit their liberal lifestyle. Unwilling to give up their freedom to choose how to live their lives, they adhere to the teachings of men that lead them on the path to death. The warning signs are still valid; they are just covered up by false beliefs.



Not applicable to me


The car was speeding down the highway at almost ninety miles an hour. Zooming past the other cars, the owner is intent on getting to his destination in a hurry. Traffic is pretty light on the highway today; the owner should make really good time. The owner isnt late for an engagement, he just wants to get to where he is going. He thinks to himself that the speed limit of sixt-five miles an hour is too slow on this long straight highway. He knows that he can cut fifteen minutes off of his commute time when he drives the speed he feels is safe for the road conditions. A car pulls into the fast lane to pass a car in front of him. Driving to fast to avoid a collision he swerves towards the edge of the road to avoid slamming into the rear of the car in front of him. This manuever causes his car to flip end over end many times before coming to rest and bursting into flames. He died instantly from the trauma of the accident.


Acts 28 partial

26saying,   Go   to   this   people   and   say, Hearing  you  shall  hear  but  by  no  means understand, and seeing you shall see but by no means perceive, 27for the heart of this people has become thickened,  and  with  their  ears  they  heard heavily,  and  they  have  closed  their  eyes, lest they should see with their eyes and hear with  their  ears,  and  understand  with  their heart,  and  turn  back,  and  I  should  heal them. 28Therefore let it be known to you that the  deliverance  of  Elohim  has  been  sent to the gentiles, and they shall hear!


When we decide that we are above the law or that the law is not binding on us, we must be ready to suffer the consequences of our actions.




The stop sign


Melissa was late for her appointment at the salon. What a hectic day this has been she thought. I will sure be glad when I get to the salon so I can relax for a while. Ive had to take the kids to school, take the van in for an oil change at the dealership, I did the weekly grocery shopping, cleaned the house and now Im ready to take a break!


Melissa glances in her rear view mirror and sees a police car behind her with its lights on. She pulls to the side of the road and stops, trying to think of a reason why she is being pulled over. The officer comes to the van door and asks for her license and registration. After checking them for problems he returns to the van and asks her if she knows why he has stopped her. She sheepishly admits that she doesnt have a clue as to why she was stopped. The officer informs her that she had run a stop sign about a half a mile back.


I didnt see a stop sign officer, that cant be.


Well Mam I watched you drive right through it without hesitating, fortunately there werent any cars coming.


 I am so sorry officer; I truly didnt see the sign.


Well Mam I have to give you a ticket for this.


But officer I dont understand why you have to give me a ticket.


Well if I were to just let you off with a warning, you probably wont learn your lesson and next time you may kill someone or yourself. My conscience wont allow me to let you off, sorry Mam. The laws are given to us to protect us and we need to be aware of them at all times.



Too busy with the cares of this world? Heed the warning sign and be ready! If your too busy to see the signs, perhaps you should stop and make sure you arent endangering your life, or someone elses.


Luke 21 partial

33The  heaven  and  the  earth  shall  pass away,  but  My  words  shall  by  no  means pass away. 34And take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts  be  weighed  down  by  gluttony,  and drunkenness, and worries of this life, and that day come on you suddenly. 35For  it  shall  come  as  a  snare  on  all those dwelling on the face of all the earth. 36Watch then at all times, and pray that you  be  counted  worthy  to  escape  all  this about to take place, and to stand before the Son of Adam.



Deuteronomy 4 partial

5See, I have taught you laws and right- rulings,  as  YHWH  my  Elohim  commanded me, to do thus in the land which you go to possess. 6And  you  shall  guard  and  do  them, for  this  is  your  wisdom  and  your  understanding  before  the  eyes  of  the  peoples who hear all these laws, and they shall say, Only a wise and understanding people is this great nation! 7For  what  great  nation  is  there  which has   Elohim   so   near   to   it,   as  YHWH   our Elohim is to us, whenever we call on Him? 8And what great nation is there that has such laws and righteous right-rulings like all this Torah which I set before you this day? 9Only, guard yourself, and guard your life  diligently,  lest  you  forget  the  Words your  eyes  have  seen,  and  lest  they  turn aside from your heart all the days of your life.  And  you  shall  make  them  known  to your children and your grandchildren.


Are we so busy with our lives here on Earth that we overlook the warning signs?





Proof of the signs validity



For the person who refuses to believe the signs are for them even after all of the warnings, here is scriptural proof that they are for all men, and for all time.



IsaYah 58 partial

13If you do turn back your foot from the Sabbath, from doing your pleasure on My set-apart  day,  and  shall  call  the  Sabbath a   delight,   the   set-apart   day   of   YHWH esteemed, and shall esteem it, not doing your   own   ways,   nor   finding   your   own pleasure, nor speaking your own words, 14then you shall delight yourself in YHWH. And I shall cause you to ride on the heights of the earth, and feed you with the inheritance   of   Ya'aqob   your   father.   For   the mouth of YHWH has spoken!



IsaYah 66 partial

19And I shall set a sign among them, and shall send some of those who escape to the nations Tarshish and Pul and Lud, who draw  the  bow,  and  Tubal  and  Yawan,  the coastlands afar off who have not heard My report nor seen My esteem. And they shall declare My esteem among the gentiles. 20And they shall bring all your brothers as an offering to YHWH out of all the gentiles, on horses and in chariots and in litters, on mules   and   on   camels,   to   My   set-apart mountain   Yerushalayim,   declares   YHWH, as the children of Yisrael bring an offering in a clean vessel into the House of YHWH. 21And  from  them  too  I  shall  take  for priests for Lewites, declares YHWH. 22For  as  the  new  heavens  and  the  new earth   that   I   make   stand   before   Me, declares   YHWH,   so   your   seed   and   your name shall stand. 23And it shall be that from New Moon to    New   Moon,   and   from   Sabbath   to Sabbath,  all flesh shall come to worship before Me, declares YHWH.




IsaYah 56

Thus  said  YHWH,  Guard  right-ruling, and do righteousness, for near is My deliverance to come, and My right- eousness to be revealed. 2Blessed is the man who does this, and the son of man who lays hold on it, guarding  the  Sabbath  lest  he  profane  it,  and guarding his hand from doing any evil. 3And  let  not  the  son  of  the  foreigner who has joined himself to YHWH speak, saying, YHWH has certainly separated me from His people, nor let the eunuch say, Look I am a dry tree. 4For  thus  said  YHWH,  To  the  eunuchs who guard My Sabbaths, and have chosen what   pleases   Me,   and   hold   fast   to   My covenant: 5to  them  I  shall  give  in  My  house  and within My walls a place and a name better than  that  of  sons  and  daughters    I  give them  an  everlasting  name  that  is  not  cut off. 6Also  the  sons  of  the  foreigner  who join themselves to YHWH, to serve Him, and to  love  the  Name  of  YHWH,  to  be  His  servants, all who guard the Sabbath, and  not profane it, and hold fast to My covenant   7them   I   shall   bring   to   My   set-apart mountain,   and   let   them   rejoice   in   My house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and their   slaughterings   are   accepted   on   My altar,  for  My  house  is  called  a  house  of prayer for all the peoples. 8The   Master   YHWH,   who   gathers   the outcasts of Yisrael, declares, I gather still others    to   him   besides   those   who   are gathered to him.


 9All  you  beasts  of  the  field,  come  to devour, all you beasts in the forest. 10His  watchmen  are  blind,  all  of  them, they   have   not   known.   All   of   them   are dumb   dogs,   unable   to   bark,   dreaming, lying down, loving to slumber. 11And  the  dogs  have  a  strong  appetite, they   never   have   enough.   And   they   are shepherds!  They  have  not  known  understanding.  All  of  them  look  to  their  own way, every one for his own gain, from his own end, saying, 12Come, let me bring wine and fill ourselves  with  strong  drink.  And  tomorrow shall be as today, even much greater.



When we keep the Eternals Commandments and keep his Sabbath we show our love and respect for him. Let us do so.



The warning signs for all mankind are the Sabbaths and the Commandments.




Shalom in YHWH's Precious name





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