Ostinato drumming
For the art
What is an ostinato?
Where it began,where is it going?
How do I do that?
Player examples
Four way co-ordination
Independence day
How do we learn ?
Paradiddle ostinato "how to"guide
EASY START (ish ) gulp!
NEW Para grooving
V DRUM practice pad (V =cheap version )
Power Practice
Mind work outs
What am I working on?
The musician drummer?
Accent ostinato
Sound clusters
Over odd time
Poly page
Odd times ahead
Pedal swing?
Make mine a double?
For the art
Pedal Physics
Guest book
Link page

"The more one pleases generally,the less one pleases profoundly"


"Only those who will risk going "too far" can possibly find out how far one can go"


"Dammed if you do,dammed if you don't".

BART SIMPSON,and some bloke down the pub