Daniel's Ultimate SuperSimpsons CyberSite

LE FastCounter
Hiya'll doin? I'm putting the page up for major reconstruction. Screw it. It's just gonna be a sound page, Simpsons and maybe SouthPark cause I think it's funny too. The club is still there cause I don't have enough space or time to put all those sounds up, there are about 150 and atleast 106 are Homer sounds. I might throw a few up but that means taking others down. Slowly this page will change and to all my regulars I love you guys, e-mail me and leave your thoughts and feelings in my guestbook and for all you geeky fags out there who think it's funny to e-mail me and write that my page sucks well you suck and I get to broadcast it over the web for all to see and your wasting your time...losers. I swear I can make this funny keep yo space k? jus keep yo space.......alllllrighty then. I'll throw some new stuff on in the next 2 weeks or so, a little everyday and today is july 12th. Later all my beloved viewers until next week, same bat channel same bat time.......
Daniel Simpson Sound Pages
Grampa Sounds
Bart Sounds
Moe Sounds
Barney Sounds
Apu Sounds
Mr.Burns Sounds
Wiggum Family Sounds
Lionel Hutz/Miguel Sanchez Sounds
Homer Sounds
Some Other Simpson Stuff That I Think Is Funny
Bart's prank phonecalls to Moe
Bart's List Of Blackboard Openings

The Datacom Ad Network
Seriously click on this..Please!!! Every time someone clicks on it I get like 5 cents or something, even if your just passing by just click on it let it load for a second and then hit the back button I don't care also if you have a page then hit the blue button near the top of the page and you can do it to. Splendid!!! So in conclusion.....click click click....ok??? Please???????? Thank You!
This is my guestbook, now sign it...please.
Do what I say or face the wrath or Willy!!!
Send email to Danny if you like.