This site is under the protection of big men with bigger guns, you dig?

Satan likes Hank World with a nice tall scotch

Endorsed by Spider Man!

Alright screw it. I keep saying to myself that I'm going to update this stupid page and I never actually do. Well, no more of that. I am producing a whole line of new essays and quips for the SCSU Chronicle, none of which will probably see the light of day, and I feel the need to share my blundering with the world (yes, you 4 people who read this site count as the world).

As always, if you want to get on the Hank World updates list, send mail saying "Hey, put me on your updates list!" to under the subject "Hey Jackass!". I'll be sure to get you on.

Just in case you want to know, there have been patrons of Hank World.

This Updates "Jiggy" Word Is:

If you don't know what the connotations of "The Jiggy Word" are, please click here to find out what the hell it means.

The thought of the update is:

"Sure I'm gay... so gay I'm straight."

This page is Mac friendly just so Quammnen doesn't feel left out. This one's for you Cory