One challenge to owning, maintaining and restoring an America is locating
parts. Nearly everything is still available and here are the places to go to get all you need. Please tell them
I sent you.
Engine & Transmission Parts Sources:
Viton Valve Stem Seals For Vintage British Cars:
If you're tired of your engine burning oil and smoking, my viton valve stem seals are just what you
$25/set of 8 includes postage. Pay via Paypal, or contact me and you can mail a check or cash.
You can read more detail information about these fantastic seals on my Technical Advice: Engine page. No longer do we need to drive around in vintage British cars that smoke and burn oil!
I also stock these viton valve stem seals for MGB, Spitfire, Morris Minor, all Classic Mini's
regardless of engine size, or A, or A+, or Metro Turbo, MGTD, MGC, and other models that use the 1800cc, 1500cc, and 850cc-1275cc
engines. Email me for more info and prices.
Seven Enterprises:
Originally founded by Michael Abramson and the
late George Sykes and now located in Auburn, CA.
Jack and the crew are extremely knowledgeable
and have a huge selection of parts. In fact, in 2005 Jack purchased a beautiful Vanden Plas Princess! Not only
that, but since 0ct. 2004, owner Michael Abramson has been working diligently to stock up on Austin America/MG 1100
specific parts. They now carry everything from new "Triplex" brand windshields in 3 levels of tint, to front and back glass
gaskets, automatic oil filters, sheet metal, brake hoses, and most everything in between. I can't say enough
good stuff about the efforts expended in order to be THE "1100" parts source in the USA. Give them you're business,
you'll be very glad you did.
They know what they've got in stock and they
know what's currently sitting down at customs. You won't find better prices and you won't find better service.....anywhere.
Please mention that I refered you!
1(800) 992-7007
Heritage Garage:
Located in Costa Mesa, CA. Owner Graham
Reid and crew really go out of their way to give excellent service and fantastic prices. They even have Hydrolastic
Suspension Fluid! Give them a call for all your engine and transmission parts needs, whether building a stock,
slightly modified, or very modified engine/trans. They'll have what you need. They build engines and transmissions
and even have a proper hydrolastic pump.
Swiftune SW5 Cams:
Heralded on the Mini scene by such well respected
A-series and Mini specialists as Keith Calver, the SW5 cam by Nick Swift is probably the best all around performance
cam for our cars.
If you're looking for a smooth idle, but plenty
of torque (pull) right off idle up to about 6,000rpm, then this is the cam for you!
Phone Nick Swift in the UK at: 10-10-987-011-44-1233-850843
Webmaster's Note: I've talked to several people who have used this
cam in both 1098's and 1275's, and everyone has had nothing but great things to say about the idle, the pull and the overall
power increase!
Located in the UK, JPAT is ground zero
for AP Automatic Transmission parts. They have everything you need:
- Overhaul Kit
- Oil Seals
- Metal sealing rings
- O-rings
- Brake Bands clad in Dupont Aramid/Kevlar
- Top/Revers Gear and Forward Gear clutch friction plates
- Clutch steel plates in different thicknesses
Phone them directly: "10-10-987" "011-44" "1934-852772"
(Dialing the number directly like that will get you a 5cent/min rate
from the USA.)
Webmaster's Note: I've recently placed an order with
JPAT. It was easily done over the phone in just a few minutes and payment via credit card was fine. The parts
arrived in less than a week. One thing to remind them about is that we in the USA do not pay their VAT tax, which is
an addition 17.5%. Make sure you mention that or it will wind up on your bill.
Vacuum Advance Rebuilder:
November 2012: I've just received some great information about a company in the USA
that rebuilds vacuum advance units for British cars.
British Vacuum Unit
Canterbury, NH
Phone: (603)783-0566
Email: britishvacuumunit (at) isp (dot) com
Mini Mania:
Mini Mania, located in California, has
engine and transmission related parts. I recommend calling to check availability and verify excactly when they'll be
able to ship everything you want to order.
1(800) 94-mania
Mini City Ltd.:
Mini City Ltd., located in NY state, has
a selection of new and used Austin America specific parts. They also have engine and transmission parts, etc.
1 (800) 933-Mini
Front Suspension Parts Sources:
When rebuilding your front suspension I highly
recommend you replace the lower control arm bushings and the front tie-rod bushings with the "Ward Barber" brand urethane
bushings. These are the same as what's used in the Mini, so you'll be ordering the "straight" version of the lower control
arm bushing (4 of them) and the 4 "thick washer shaped" bushings that mount the tie-rods in the front corners of the front
subframe. Don't waste your time putting in the stock rubber versions, and don't use any other brand of urethane bushing,
as they are not 100% urethane and will crack and fail in a matter of weeks.
Please mention that I refered you!
Seven Enterprises:
Seven carries Ward Barber's urethane front suspension
1(800) 992-7007
Heritage Garage:
Heritage also carries Ward Barber's urethane
front suspension bushings!
Body Panels, Interior Trim, etc.:
Earlpart in the UK has a huge selection
of 1100/1300 specific parts. From replacement body and floor panels, to mechanical and rubber parts, they have it. Look for
their advertisement in the "Idle Chatter" 1100 Club magazine.
Webmaster's note: I've placed 2 good sized orders with
Earlpart this year. Phil and Neal are fantastic to work with. Very knowledgeable and extremely helpful.
Their prices are excellent too. They had nearly everything I needed in stock and the items look just like factory parts.
I've been very impressed and I highly recommend purchasing parts from them.
Dial "10-10-811-011-44-1773-719504" from the USA to reach them. The "10-10-811"
part gets you a very cheap long distance rate.
Trevor Jones:
Trevor Jones, also in the UK, has a great
selection of new and used 1100/1300 parts.
Webmaster's note: I order from Trevor frequently.
He is a great source of parts, shipping is fast, and you can order via email and pay via paypal. Great convenience.
Great guy. Great parts. I highly recommend him.
Trevor Jones web site
Ex-Pressed Steel Panels Ltd.:
Need floor pans, trunk floors or other repair panels? Ex Pressed Steel, based in the UK, has all of them.
Ex-Pressed Steel Panels Ltd.
Weatherstriping & Seals:
A quick note about weatherstripping and seals for the doors, side windows, and
trunk lid. It will be a waste of your time to contact potential vendors and ask if they have a seal for an Austin America
or MG1100 door/window/trunk, etc. They won't, and they probably won't know what you're talking about. What you
want to inquire about, is whether they have a push on type weatherstripping, that will the door opening, like on an MGB.
It will have either fabric or textured rubber where it grabs the flange on the body, and then a thin "bulb" seal where the
door would close against it. The trunk seal would be similar, but the bulb seal is on top of the textured rubber portion
that grabs the flange on the trunk. The side window weatherstripping is the same as what was used on the Mini, you'll
just need more of it, because your windows are larger....so purchase it in bulk, rather than in a premade "loop" shape.
I continue to have the rear quarter window hinge blocks produced, so email me if you need a set of 4. They take 2-3
weeks, so plan accordingly.
Front and back window gaskets are available from a supplier in Australia, via ebay there.
They are one piece, and not just a length of H pattern from a bulk roll. The quality is excellent.
Front door wing window (quarter lite) gaskets have been reproduced by Kip Motors in Texas.
I have not used them, but have seen photos of them installed, and they appear to be excellent.
MacGregors British Car Parts:
Located in Dundas, Ontario, Canada, MacGregors is current
the top rated supplier of OE looking and functioning door and trunk seals. So far everyone who has used his products
has been extremely pleased with not only the look, but the quality, and most importanly, how the doors and trunk close
after installation. I know of no other supplier that can provide anything even close.
Phone: 877-777-6381
Woolies Trim:
Looking for original door, window and
trunk weatherstriping and seals? Woolies in the UK has the right stuff. I recently e-mailed Woolies and asked for 4
different sample pieces of their products. I recieved the samples along with a catalogue and price list in less than
a week! Check out seal #265a for your rear quarter window seals. It is nearly an exact replacement.
Webmaster's note: I've placed several orders
from Woolies in the past year. I highly recommend using them. Their products are all first rate, shipping is fast
and you can order via email using your credit card, which they will keep on file for future orders if you like.
Tail Light Housing & Lens Gaskets:
As of May 2008, the 1100 Club in England owns
the cutters for these gaskets, which they purchased from John Pogson in the UK.
If you need a set of these gaskets, please contact the club via the website
at: www.the1100club.com
The tail light housing gaskets are extremely important to the health of
the rear inner fenders and trunk. If yours are leaking, the rear quarter panels will fill up with water and rot out,
as will the trunk floor.
Tire Suppliers:
Original Equipment was a Dunlop Goldseal 5.95-12 C-41 load
rated Bias Ply tire. The closest equivalent modern radial tire is a "155/80 12" also known as a "155R12" or "155SR12"
tire size.
The 12" tire market is ever changing and right now the best sources are
Kumho is currently making a 155/80-12 and they run in the under $30 each range.
Some Firestone dealers can still get a 155/80-12 in the under $30 each range.
Some Les Schwab dealers can still get their line in a 155/80-12
Wheel Straightening:
Wheels America 4480 Mint Way Dallas, Tx 75236
Phone # 888 4Fix-Rim
Their prices very depending on the rim condition....anywhere
from $29.95 up to $109.00. They appear to have a 24hr turn around time.
Looking for a manual? I highly recommend
getting both the Haynes Manual called, "BLMC MK I, II & III 1100/1300" as well as the BMC Factory Manual called, "1100-1300."
Both are really a must have and they are very inexpensive on Ebay USA and Ebay UK. Search under "1100/1300" or
"Austin 1100" or "BMC 1100, etc. You'll find they are only a few dollars.
Ebay USA and Ebay UK
Electronic Ignition:
Ready to install electronic ignition?
Here's a site that sells the Pertonix Ignitor and matching coil: Just over $100.00 for the pair, including shipping. Quick to install and fits entirely inside the
Lucas distributor. If you've found a better deal than this, let me know and I'll post the link. I have installed both and
am very impressed! I was very happy with their fast shipping and owner, Carl Dudash, was quick to respond to any questions
I had. Great guy!!
Retro Rockets website
Lucas Helmet Top Battery Cables:
I purchased reproduction OEM battery cables
from this source. The quality is outstanding and the price of $29.90 + $4.51 shipping, for the pair, can't be beat.
I've seen the same cables listed for $78ea, at "High-end" Jag restorers like XK's Unlimited - if you can believe
If you have a positive ground car and are keeping it that way, you want to order
the battery cables for a "Series 1 Jaguar 3.8 Liter". These will come the proper length, ready to install.
If you have a negative ground car, or are switching to negative ground, you want to
order the cables from a "Series 1 Jaguar 4.2 Liter". These will come with the ground wire the proper length, but
the positive will be too long. They'll cut it down for you and put a new end on it for no charge. Make it the
same size as the negative cable.
They also gladly build cables to suit your needs.
92 Londonderry Turnpike,
Manchester, New Hampshire 03104
1(800) 452-4787