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What I go To School For!


Name:Mattie Jay Willis
Loves:West Ham United
Destinguing features:Peirced eyebrow, white streak through hair and mole


Two words to describe Matt are:

1. Geezer 2. Loud

I have known Matt a while now and have spent the best part of the last two years with him. He has an open mind to all music genres, except for hard house! He plays Bass, Guitar and Drums.

He likes to think of himself as a bit of a skateboarder but he can't do any tricks yet! He has recently developed an obsession with Jakki Deg who is a page three bird for those of you who don't know!

Matt is the only one out of the whole band who knows how to operate the dishwasher and the washing machine and tidies up the most. His favourite past time is partying and he hates smiling in photographs.

His most prized possession is his 1964 "Modded to the nuts" Lambretta. He is not a big fan of Jaffa Cakes!

On the whole, Matt is a generous and extremely polite British citizen, especially to the elderly! Matt likes to take each day as it comes and always looks both ways before crossing the road. He dreams one day of writing a song with Blink 182 and loves chinese food. "It's the dung pung chicken."


Now what can I say about MJ? Hmmm - Knob Head ! Only joking, Matt is what I guess you could call an all mighty party animal, he never seems to want to go to sleep, I don't think there's a time when he doesn't want to go out clubbing. MJ's quick wit seems to leave everyone, let's say, slightly amused.

Me & James both have to give credit to Matt though because he is the one that usually ends up having to clean everything away - hooray for MJ!

Mattie said in an interview for Top of the Pops magazine that he wonders how Charlie and James's clothes get clean because he is the only one that can work the washing machine and he's only done their washing a few times.

Taken from www.busted.com

Matt facts!
  • Mattie has been an extra in Casulty, The Bill and Eastenders!
  • Mattie smokes Malboro Lights
  • Matt Lost his virginity when he was 13 on a camp site!
  • Matt said he would date a fan.
  • Stilton cheese makes Matt feel sick!
  • Matt thinks Kelly Osbourne is very attractive
  • Matt used to have tunnel vision. (awwww.)
  • Mattie hates Dawsons creek.
  • Matties parents are split and his step-dad works/worked in Tescos (so did my mum)
  • Mattie says holidays make him think of caravan sites, 'cos thats where they always went.
  • Mattie has been described as a mix of Jamie Oliver and Johnny Rotten! (sex pistols.)
  • Matts mum works with speacial needs children.
  • Matts dad works on railways
  • Matt wanted to attend to Londons Sylvia Stage School.
  • Matt is great friends with Lee from Blue (they met when they were 13)
  • Matt Prefers the girl on top to control the rythm.
  • Matt said if he could be a movie star he would be Jackie chan!
  • Matt bought his mum a car
  • Matt was 10 when he had his first snog!
  • Matt uses Hugo aftershave.