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What I go To School For!
Random facts



* DID YOU KNOW! that in the Nethelands Busted are called Bust because there is already a band called Busted, http://www.busted.nl
* James Is Left-Handed
* Charlie is the slushiest one of the group
* Matt used to want to be a fireman when he was younger
* Charlie would like to work with Dave Grohl of the Foo Fighters
* Matt would go out with Maddona for a day (but not forever)
* Charlie and James would both want to go out with  Brittney Spears
* James Loves M&M's
* If Matt ruled the world, he would take away people over 30yrs old's drivers licenes away (old people behind the wheel, AGHH)
* Charlie is the messiest

* Matts fave cartoon character is Mr. Burns from the Simpsons
* James Fave Choccy bar is a Twix
*  James once wore the same pair of socks for two weeks, when he took them off they were yellow!
* James has hid in a cubord to miss lessons before
*  Charlies mum calls him farley (to rhyme with charlie) and the it evolved to farleykins to embarress him in front of his friends
* Charlie had a teddy bear called growler
* Charlie likes slipknot and deftones
* The first CD matt ever bought was vanilla ice's - ice ice baby!
*Busted got together abour two years ago.
*The band formed once Matt was almost picked to be in another band called skandal
*The origianal busted line up was; Matt, James, Ki and Owen but Ki and Owen Left
*Mattie and James put an ad in NME and got Charlie!
* Shortly after charlie joined they got signed
*  Mattie used to leave chewing gum behind his ear. When I was little I used to put it there before I went to sleep, but one day when I woke up it was smeared in my hair. He says I had to have it all shaved off I was in a right state.
* Matt is the one that always ends up tidying up after everyone, well, he is the only one out of the 3 of them who knows how to use the washing machine and dishwasher!

* Mattie hates jaffa cakes!




What I go To School for video facts.
* Mattie had to fall out of the tree 15times!
* Charlie had to wait under a blanket for three hours before he could film his fantasy scene where he is running through a feild in his underwear with Miss McKenzie because it was raining.
* During his fantasy scene Charlie was so worried about his 'bits and pieces' falling out of his boxers he wore a flesh coloured thong underneath!!
The production team had to go shopping for 200 school ties for the extras in the what I go to school for video.
* The girl on the swing in the what I go to school for video was a gold & silver medal winner in gymnastics at the last Commonwealth Games.
* The Bacardi Breezer cat was hired to play Miss Mackenzies cat but it was sick so they had to hire a replacement. 
* James has become an expert at moonwalking but unfortunately the Doc Martens he wore left him with blisters all over his feet. 
* The boys thought they were going to be driving off into the sunset with Miss McKenzie in a convertible Porshe but were very disappointed when a Vauxhall Cavalier turned up on set!
* On the second day of the shoot they were filming until 2am outside the supposed house of Miss McKenzie. the residents of the street were really cheesed off and called the police to get the production shut down.
* Matt couldnt sit down for 2 days after filming his fantasy scene with Miss M because she spanked him so hard!


Contact me: jamie_pem@hotmail.com