Topic: When is Jesus coming back? NEVER!
[ Anonymous ]- created 06:18pm Jun 10, 2000 EST
I'm sorry, you guys, but 3 days after his death, Jesus was still dead, and 2000 years after his death . . . yes, he's STILL dead.
[ Philip II ] - 10:31pm Jun 12, 2000 EST (#22 of 62) I see yet another atheist has become bitter in his futile struggle to cope with the utter
absurdity of his views.
[ billytea ] - 10:32pm Jun 12, 2000 EST (#23 of 62)
"I see yet another atheist has become bitter in his futile struggle to cope with the utter absurdity of his views."
Yeah, that absurdity's a real bugger. I don't know how I get out of bed in the morning.
[ Philip II ] - 10:39pm Jun 12, 2000 EST (#24 of 62)
I wonder how you get by, too.
[ billytea ] - 10:42pm Jun 12, 2000 EST (#25 of 62)
"I wonder how you get by, too."
Don't let it keep you up nights. I'd hate to feel I was causing you any anxiety.
...Ok, that's a lie. If that caused you anxiety I'd have a hard time regarding it as my responsibility.
Let me know if anyone manages to shift your pit bull switch to the 'off' position, and we can compare notes on how we deal with the absurdities of our relative positions.
[ Philip II ] - 10:44pm Jun 12, 2000 EST (#26 of 62)
My position isn't absurd. Yours is. And now you liken me to an animal. Tsk, tsk. Not too strong in the logic department, eh?
[ Brett in NYC ] - 10:47pm Jun 12, 2000 EST (#27 of 62)
We all are animals, Phil.
[ Philip II ] - 10:51pm Jun 12, 2000 EST (#28 of 62)
Thank you for so amply demonstrating one of the many inane aspects of so called "rationalism."
[ Brett in NYC ] - 10:52pm Jun 12, 2000 EST (#29 of 62)
I knew it! You are an enemy of rationalism.
[ Philip II ] - 10:54pm Jun 12, 2000 EST (#30 of 62)
I am an enemy of such stuffed shirt philosophies, yes. Especially ones that attempt to buttress weak ideas with names that give illogical thoughts the appearence of coherence and
logic. (e.g. the name of the whole thing, Rationalism. How is it rational. It isn't.)
[ billytea ] - 11:24pm Jun 12, 2000 EST (#31 of 62)
"My position isn't absurd. Yours is. And now you liken me to an animal. Tsk, tsk. Not too strong in the logic department, eh?"
Strong enough to know it's an inappropriate response to your commentary.
But please, don't let me stop you. It's fascinating, it truly is.
[ Philip II ] - 11:27pm Jun 12, 2000 EST (#32 of 62)
Billy, you should know that condescension isn't good for you. Especially when you hold a belief that's so far from the truth that it's laughable.
[ billytea ] - 11:59pm Jun 12, 2000 EST (#33 of 62)
"Billy, you should know that condescension isn't good for you. Especially when you hold a belief that's so far from the truth that it's laughable."
Phil, if I listened to you, I'd never have a social life.
No, wait, if I listened to you I'd never stop laughing. (Sigh) I keep getting those mixed up.
But don't take it so hard, I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing near you. J
[ Philip II ] - 12:04am Jun 13, 2000 EST (#34 of 62)
Must you show those insipid little smirking things? If you insist, I suppose I'll learn to cope.
I still don't see anything funny.
[ billytea ] - 12:29am Jun 13, 2000 EST (#35 of 62)
"Must you show those insipid little smirking things? If you insist, I suppose I'll learn to cope."
I'm pleased to hear it, Phil-anthropist. I'd hate to hear I'd sent you over the edge. A cruel fate it would be, to be last heard of hightailing it towards the border picking imaginary
rats from your limbs.
"I still don't see anything funny." Well of course not, Phil. It spoils the joke if I tape the sign to your front.
[ Philip II ] - 12:31am Jun 13, 2000 EST (#36 of 62)
Is that what you see this as? You think an intellectual debate is something to be treated like a practical joke?
[ billytea ] - 12:34am Jun 13, 2000 EST (#37 of 62)
Nope. J
[ KAM1953F ] - 12:38am Jun 13, 2000 EST (#38 of 62)
But Phillip, you do not appear to wish to engage in intellectual debate. Your approach to "debate" would be more at home on a soap box in Hyde Park--the "ALL-TRUTH" from on high!
Theists do not have all the answers.
[ Philip II ] - 12:56am Jun 13, 2000 EST (#39 of 62)
Yes they do.
Phil makes a dramatic entrance on the HTML practice thread.
[ Philip II ] - 09:57pm Jun 12, 2000 EST (#116 of 232)
All of this is silly, because God obviously exists, no matter what a few delusional snobs think.
[ billytea ] - 10:03pm Jun 12, 2000 EST (#117 of 232)
Good for you. But this is an HTML practice thread.
[ Philip II ] - 10:09pm Jun 12, 2000 EST (#118 of 232)
What? Are you so illogical as to question the very existence of a deity? Drop the smoke and mirrors! Your beliefs are built on sinking sand.
[ billytea ] - 12:40am Jun 13, 2000 EST (#119 of 232)
And yet, this is still an HTML practice thread.
[ Philip II ] - 12:42am Jun 13, 2000 EST (#120 of 232)
If it's just an HTML thread, then what on earth did this "caliban" put it on the faith board for? It makes no sense, no sense whatsoever.
[ billytea ] - 12:59am Jun 13, 2000 EST (#121 of 232)
"If it's just an HTML thread, then what on earth did this "caliban" put it on the faith board for? It makes no sense, no sense whatsoever."
Pathfinder accepts HTML, so people can use it in their posts. This gives them a place to practice without interrupting the conversation on the other threads.
[ Philip II ] - 01:00am Jun 13, 2000 EST (#122 of 232)
But it's a faith board! Where's the faith.
[ billytea ] - 01:08am Jun 13, 2000 EST (#123 of 232)
I'm taking all this HTML stuff on faith, if that helps.
[ Philip II ] - 01:10am Jun 13, 2000 EST (#124 of 232)
Phil now debates on this thread.
Topic: Who was Cain's wife? [ Anonymous ] - created 03:23am Jun 9, 2000 EST
If Cain, Adam, and Eve were the only people on earth then, who the hell did Cain get married to?! His unnamed sister? That's incest!
Likewise, Noah collected all the animals--you're telling me, he swam to Australia to get two kangaroos, then Antartica to get two penguins, to China to get two pandas?
Come on, the Bible's just a bunch of silly children's stories, nothing more. It's Harry Potter for delusional adults.
[ Philip II ] - 10:16pm Jun 12, 2000 EST (#26 of 46)
This thread is irrelevent. What point is there to bring up some trifle such as Cain's wife? That God exists is beyond a doubt. This thread is proof of the lengths fools will go to
justify their delusions.
[ Brett in NYC ] - 10:21pm Jun 12, 2000 EST (#27 of 46)
"This thread is proof of the lengths fools will go to justify their delusions. "
Well, the part about fools and their delusions might be right, but the finger is being pointed to the wrong person.
"What point is there to bring up some trifle such as Cain's wife?"
Such a question might be called a trifle to those who don't wish to address it. There are Christians on the thread who have made attempts to do so. Others might diagree with their
answers, but they have made sincere efforts.
[ Philip II ] - 10:27pm Jun 12, 2000 EST (#28 of 46)
Excuses, excuses. And poor ones too, which even a child could see through. Insults too, yet another trademark of a weak argument.
Face it. In the face of the certain existence of an omnipotent God, such a thing as the spouse of Cain is trifling indeed.
[ billytea ] - 10:29pm Jun 12, 2000 EST (#29 of 46)
Philip, do you have a point to being here other than making Christianity look bad?
[ Philip II ] - 10:38pm Jun 12, 2000 EST (#30 of 46)
Billy, do you have any argument at all? How does stating the obvious denigrate the world's greatest faith?
"And yes, I do have a purpose for being here."
[ billytea ] - 11:33pm Jun 12, 2000 EST (#31 of 46)
"Billy, do you have any argument at all? How does stating the obvious denigrate the world's greatest faith?"
I'm here more for conversation than argument. Not that I'm averse to the latter when it looks like it might be profitable.
"How does stating the obvious denigrate the world's greatest faith?"
Phil, me ol' I won't say what, I don't pretend to understand how you do it. I just sit back and watch in awe at your truly prodigious capacity to type with plump Polish sausages tied
to each of your fingers.
[ Brett in NYC ] - 11:34pm Jun 12, 2000 EST (#32 of 46)
[ Philip II ] - 11:56pm Jun 12, 2000 EST (#33 of 46)
Still insults? I can do that too, you know, but I don't. I just say it like it is.
[ billytea ] - 02:42am Jun 13, 2000 EST (#35 of 46)
Ah, Philiban, plump Polish sausages tied to one's fingers isn't an insult, it's a calling. But you knew that, didn't you?
[ Anonymous ] - 06:28am Jun 13, 2000 EST (#36 of 46)
Another thread degenerates to foolishness.
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