An Opportunity for Ministry
by Don Edic, ESL Director
Literacy & Evangelism, International
Teach the Learner
Jazz Chants
God has always used human turmoil and travail as an opportunity to communicate His unconditional love and faithfulness. In our time, God is allowing us to participate in world evangelism without having to travel to a foreign land or learn another language.We, who have not been "called by God" to leave our homeland and travel across vast oceans, can still participate in the global mission cause by developing friendships with these potential national missionaries who now live side by side among us.
Being in a new and strange culture, people are open to the good news of God's love in Christ Jesus and they may be freer to investigate the claims of Christ than when they were in their own country. They desire to learn some of the distinctive features of Christianity and its relevance in our daily lives.
The Latin origin of the word priest in the New Testament means "bridgebuilder." In the Bible we read: are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you...(I Peter 2:9)As God's priest, you are a bridge-builder bringing people into the knowledge of God's love and grace through the medium of tutoring English. The most important gift you can give your student is God's grace and unconditional love.
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ESL Ministry Walnut Creek Presbyterian Church 1801 Lacassie Avenue Walnut Creek
California 94596
Joanne Rae Meads
September 16, 1999