Consecration Prayer:
Hearken as the witch's word,
Calls to All,
a gulf to ford,
Bridge the vast realities,
An it harm none,
do as you please.
Elements protect and guard this book,
From wondering eyes and prying looks,
And fill it with thine ancient power,
In this right and ready hour.
Powers of North,
the East below,
Help me to live,
to learn to grow,
Lend your strength and stability,
To practice the Craft,
and with love be free.
Powers of East,
the Wind,
the Sky,
Watch over these pages with thine eye,
Your wisdom and knowledge,
for these I do ask,
That this book be worthy - the Craft and it's task.
Powers of South,
Fire and the Hearth,
Help these Shadows to prove their worth,
Infuse them with your healing and passion,
So only good comes from the Work that is fashioned.
Powers of West,
the Water,
the Sea,
Change and growth are granted thee,
Bless these pages with all you know,
That righteous readers mat learn and grow.
And to the unschooled eye that see,
Confusing words and sophistry,
Lead them from these sacred pages,
And bless their passage thru the ages.
For free will of all,
And harm none,
As I have willed it,
It is now done.
So mote it be
Most Important Tool!!!
The Book of Shadows is one of the most important things you will carry with you on your journey. It is your place to write
experiences, spells, sayings, lists of herbs, poems and stories and many things besides. It is your personal 'bible' for want
of a better word. It's your own reference book and is totally personal to you. It does not require a special book, though
some like to purchase these. All it requires is a relatively hard-backed blank book. How you decorate it, fill it and what
pens you use are entirely up to you. Some prefer parchment, or parchment type paper that they bind themselves; writing in
special inks with quills or elaborate pens. Others are happy with a blank book, decorated or not and may use just a biro.
However, all will have that 'special' pen that they prefer to use for this purpose.
This section is here to take the mystery out of creating your own book. The one thing I have found in my travels, is that
'trainee' witches find it difficult to know if they are doing the right thing. There is no right or wrong - do what you feel.
You could, if it feels right, just use a diary. What goes in the book are your special thoughts and experiences. Shopping
lists for spells are common and also the outcome of spells monitored over time. You can add pictures, photos, poems, etc,
it is entirely up to you. You may find that you start a BoS and are not happy with it - that's ok, just start again.
What you should always do is keep your BoS very safe. Most witches believe that for others to see their BoS is like bearing
their soul. Many use cleansing and protection spells to keep their books safe, whether they carry them everywhere, or have
a special place at home to keep it. You may also choose to keep it electronically on a PC or handheld notebook. These are
all feasible.
Be sure to include everything you learn and all areas that interest you. Dreams, tarot, etc are all items that appears in
BoS. Your book will quickly fill up and you will need to buy or make more. Some find it useful to keep their BoS rather like
a diary from year to year, but not nessesarily from day to day.
There is no correct way to create your personal Book of Shadows - it is yours, do what you feel is best for you.