Please remember to cleanse, consecrate and bless your tools before using them!!
The basket is not a standard tool, but many people use a special basket to collect and carry their magickal items in.
In modern Witchcraft, a bell is employed for many reasons. They are used to banish negativity, to prepare sacred space, in
house blessings, as charms for fertility and protection, to call the dead, invoke deity, and to work weather magick.
Book of Shadows
The Book of Shadows is a collection of spells and rituals, usually written in your own hand. In ancient times, the Book of
Shadows (BOS) had a black cover. Now you can find many different types of books or journals that can be used for the same
Brooms can be handmade or store-bought; however, do not use a broom with a metal handle. Brooms are used to banish unwanted
energies, send the dead back to Summerland, and work weather magick. They are also used as part of the cleansing ritual for
circle casting.
Candles and Wax
Candles are used to make petitions, light altars, or to hold them up in a protest is symbolic of bringing the light of Spirit
into the darkness of our world. Candles may be annointed with oils and herbs for various purposes in spellwork as well.
The cauldron is used to heat various things up for use in spellwork. A cauldron with three legs represents the three faces
of the Goddess - Maiden, Mother, and Crone. A cauldron with four legs is associated with the four elements, the four airts
(magickal winds), the four watchtowers, and the four major festivals.
The wand was generally used to turn back evil. They can be made of many different materials; such as, wood, copper, crystal,
glass, silver, or stones.
Witch's Bottle
Witch Bottles can be made of bottles or jars of different sizes. They are filled with spells, herbs or other magickal items
and are used in various spells.
The pagan Altars are used just like Altars in Christian religions. They hold the sacred tools that are necessary for rituals
and spellwork.
Athames are a type of double-egged dagger that is used in magickal work. Usually it is constructed with a steel blade and
black handle. Rituals knives can be used to cast a circle, open and close circle quarters, cleanse and empower items, or command
astral energies.