

Pagan Dedication!!!
I am a Pagan and I dedicate myself to channeling the Spiritual energy of my inner self to help and to heal others and myself.
I know that I am part of the Whole of nature. May I grow in understanding of the Unity of all Nature. May I always walk in balance.
May I always be mindful of the diversity of Nature as well as its Unity. May I always be tolerant of those whose race, appearance, culture and ways differ from my own.
May I use my psychic powers wisely and never use it for aggression or for malevolent purposes.
May I never use it to curtail the free will of others.
May I always remember that I create my own reality and that I have the power within me to create positivity in my life.
May I always take responsibility for my actions be they conscious or unconscious.
May I always act in honorable ways, being honest with myself and others, keeping my word whenever I have given it, fulfilling all responsibilities and commitments I have undertaken to the best of my abilities.
May I always remember that whatever is sent out returns magnified to the sender. The forces of Karma will move swiftly to remind me of my spiritual commitments when I have begun to falter from them. May I use this Karmic feedback to remain strong and committed to my Spiritual ideals in the face of adversity or negativity. May the force of my inner Spirit eliminate all malevolence directed my way and transform it into positive light. May my inner light shine so strongly that malevolence can not even enter my realm of existence.
May I continually grow in wisdom and understanding. May I see every problem that I face, as an opportunity to learn and grow and to develop spiritually.
May I act out of love for other beings on this planet -- to other human, plants, animals, mineral, elementals, spirits or other entities.
May I ever be mindful that the Goddess and God in all their forms dwell within me and that this divinity is reflected through my own Inner Self, my Pagan Spirit.
May I always channel love and light through my being. May my inner Spirit, rather than my Ego self, guide all my thoughts, feelings and actions.
So Mote It Be.
Copyright © 1960 Selena Fox Circle Sanctuary P.O. Box 219 Mt. Horeb, WI 53572 USA.


First of all, you must create your altar. Select a quiet place free from noisy or interruptions. Once you have selected the perfect altar area, it it time to create your altar. Since everyone is different, I suggest selecting the items which you "feel" is the most benefical for you. For example, I have two white altar candles, an incense burner, athame, herbs(sometimesflowers), stones, holy water, salt, and my spell candle. These are the items which I feel add energy to my spells and rituals.

Once you have created your perfect altar, it is time to perform the dedication ritual. Part of your ritual is to take a cleansing bath. First start your bath and add salt, this will draw out all negative energies. Second, add essential oils, such as jasmine,lavender, or rose. These oils will relax you, put you in the right frame of mind, and will allow you to remain open. A cleansing bath is considered very important, if you fell to perform this step, you may invite unwanted guests or negative energies into your ritual.

Next you will need to cleanse the room where your altar is located. To do this take the holy water in one hand, walk the edge of the room in a clockwise motion, one time, chanting these words:

I consecrate this place of rite with holy water, incense, and candle light.

Take the incense burner in your hand, walk the edge of the room chanting these words: I consecrate this place of rite with holy water, incense, and candlelight.

And last, take the candle holder in one hand, and walk the edge of the room and say: I consecrate this place of rite with holy water, incense, and candlelight.

After you have purified the room, it is now time to cast your circle. Move to your altar, draw the circle, in a clockwise motion, with your dominant hand, finger, athame, dagger, or wand. Draw the circle 3 times, envision a whirl of light, and a fine mist with energy in the center of your circle, then say:

I cast this circle
as in days of old,
to welcome and protect the wise ones
as their secrets are told.

Keep repeating these words until you can feel the energy. It may take two, three or four times. Once you can "feel" the energy, you can then move to the lighting of the candle. Take your white candle(spell candle,not altar candles) dress it with the oil of your choice and say these words.

As I light this candle
and the flame burns bright.
I open myself up to the old ways,
each and every night.

Now it is time to say your pledge to the deities. Stare into the candle flame and repeat these words.

I call upon the gods and goddesses,
to witness my rite.
And I vow to love and protect the old ones,
at my altar, bathed in candlelight.

With the gods and goddessess as your witness it is time to take your oath. As you Say the words, feel them into your innercore.

I, RavenWitch, within the cirle of the wise,
vow to love, protect and welcome the dieties,
in all areas of my life.
As the old ones reveal their secrets,
my knowledge I will share,
with those who are respectful of my path, honest and sincere.
These are the words, which I pedge to thee,
within the circle, at my altar, sacred mother, and all the deites.

After you have pledged your oath, it is now time to thank the powers and release them.

Sacred spirits of old
powers of the quarters,
blessings now upon you, I bestow.
May you always return when I call
and your journey be safe and pleasant
as you return to your home within the heavens.
I thank you for all my achievements,
and for all I will receive, and now its time
to say Merry part, but in spirit, I will be with you
as you are with me.

Reflect upon your dedication oath, write down any visions, are feelings you may have. It is also a good time to start your
Book of Shadows.






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