
Native Beliefs

Native Prayer

"God in heaven above please protect the ones we love. We honor all you created as we pledge our hearts and lives together.
We honor mother-earth - and ask for our marriage to be abundant and grow stronger through the seasons;
We honor fire - and ask that our union be warm and glowing with love in our hearts;
We honor wind - and ask we sail though life safe and calm as in our father's arms; We honor water - to clean and soothe our relationship - that it may never thirsts for love;
With all the forces of the universe you created, we pray for harmony and true happiness as we forever grow young together.

The Honour Of Mother Nature

The Sacred Instructions given by the Creator to Native people at the time of Creation were as follows:

A. To Take Care of Mother Earth and the other 3 colors of Man.
B. To Respect this Mother Earth and Creation.
C. To Honour All life, and to support that Honour.
D. To be Grate-ful from the heart for All life.
It is through life that there is Survival.
Thank the Creator at All times for All life.
E. To Love and express that love.
F. To be Humble. Humility is the gift of wisdom and understanding.
G. Kindness. To be Kind with one-self and with others.
H. Sharing. The Sharing of feelings and personal concerns and commitments.
I. Honesty. To be Honest with one-self and with others.

To be Responsible for those Sacred Instructions and to administrate those Instructions to other Nations.

The Legend of the Cherokee Rose

No better symbol exists of the pain and suffering of the "Trail Where They Cried" than the Cherokee Rose. The mothers of the Cherokee grieved so much that the chiefs prayed for a sign to lift the mother's spirits and give them strength to care for their children. From that day forward, a beautiful new flower, a rose, grew wherever a mother's tear fell to the ground. The rose is white, for the mother's tears. It has a gold center, for the gold taken from the Cherokee lands, and seven leaves on each stem that represent the seven Cherokee clans that made the journey. To this day, the Cherokee Rose prospers along the route of the "Trail of Tears". The Cherokee Rose is now the official flower of the State of Georgia.


The great Father above the Chief is a shepard. I am His and with Him I want not. He throws out to me a rope and the name of the rope is love and He draws me to where the grass is green and the water not dangerous, and I eat and lie down and am satisfied.
Sometimes my heart is very weak and falls down but He lifts me up again and draws me into a good road. His name is WONDERFUL.
Sometime, it may be very soon, it may be a long, long time. He will draw me into a valley. It is dark there, but I'll be afraid not, for it is in between those mountains that the Shepherd Christ will meet me and the hunger that I have in my heart all through this life will be satisfied . He gives me a staff to lean upon. He spreads a table before me with all kinds of foods. He puts His hand upon my head and all the "tired" is gone.
My cup He fills till it runs over. What I tell is true. I lie not. These roads that are "away ahead" will stay with me through this life and after; and afterwards I will go to live in the Big Tepee and sit down with the Shepherd Chief forever.

The Legend of the White Buffalo

One summer a long time ago, the seven sacred council fires of the Lakota Sioux came together and camped. The sun was strong and the people were starving for there was no game. Two young men went out to hunt. Along the way, the two men met a beautiful young woman dressed in white who floated as she walked. One man had bad desires for the woman and tried to touch her, but was consumed by a cloud and turned into a pile of bones. The woman spoke to the second young man and said, "Return to your people and tell them I am coming." This holy woman brought a wrapped bundle to the people. She unwrapped the bundle giving to the people a sacred pipe and teaching them how to use it to pray. "With this holy pipe, you will walk like a living prayer," she said. The holy woman told the Sioux about the value of the buffalo, the women and the children. "You are from Mother Earth," she told the women, "What you are doing is as great as the warriors do." Before she left, she told the people she would return. As she walked away, she rolled over four times, turning into a white female buffalo calf. It is said after that day the Lakota honored their pipe, and buffalo were plentiful

The Dreamcatcher:

It is believed that dreams, both good and bad, float through the air all day and night searching for their destination. While sleeping under a Dreamcatcher, one may feel secure that all bad dreams being confused and ill-intentioned get caught in the web to perish with the first light of day, while the good dreams, knowing the right way, easily slip through the center hole, and work their way down the web, catching all the energies of the stones and adornment, float down the feathers and into the dreamers head. One need never fear bad dreams again while sleeping under a blessed or smudged Dreamcatcher.





The Church of The Universe

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