The Colors And Shades Around Us !
The colors of the aura can represent many things. They can stimulate or depress, be constructive or destructive, and reflect
positive or negative. It provides information about health, personality, moods, and maturity. The aura reflects both the
physical and spiritual aspects. As you read an aura you will see the colors closest to the body reflect the persons physical
condition. You will see the energies manifesting currently or very soon in the person's life.
Color Definitions:
Strong energy, primal creative force, and fire. This is a life promoting energy. Strong passion, mind, and will. This color
can indicate a birth or transmutation. It affects the circulatory and reproductive systems, sexual energies, and awaken of
abilities or talents. The darker shade reflects anger, hate, or unexpected change. Too much red can reflect over stimulation,
inflammation, or aggression.
Warmth, joy, socialness, and creativity. Open to new awareness of the astral plane. Too much Orange can reflect pride, emotional
imbalance, and vanity.
Wisdom, mental activity, optimism, and learning opportunities. Awakening of psychic abilities and clairsentience. Pastel
yellow reflects spiritual development, and enthusiasm for life. Deeper shades of yellow show excessive thinking, and being
Calm, growing compassion, sensitivity, sympathy, reliable, dependable, and open-minded. As well as an abundance of strength
and friendliness. Bright Green indicates the ability to heal. Darker shades of green show insecurity, jealousy, self-doubt,
mistrust, and miserliness.
Calm, quietness, devotion, truth, ability for clairaudience, and telepathy. Lighter Blue indicates imagination and good intuition.
Royal Blue shows honesty and good judgment. The Darker shades indicate blocked perceptions, worrying, melancholy, domineering,
fearfulness, forgetfulness, and over sensitivity.
Independence, intuition, warmth, transmutation, humility, spirituality, and important dream activity.
Ability to handle daily activities with practicality. Red/purple - shows great passion or strength of will. Darker Shades
of purple indicate a need to overcome something, Intense erotic imagination, and feeling misunderstood.
over, purity, compassion, quiet, modest, and love of art and beauty. Darker shades show immaturity and a lack of truthfulness.
Dynamic spiritual energy. Higher energies of devotion, restoration of harmony, coming into one's own power, great inspiration,
and enthusiasm. Darker shades represent the process of awakening higher inspiration, life is not clarified.
Truth, purity, cleansing, and awakening great creativity.
Innate abilities. If Silver is the color it reflects feminine energies and to leave no task undone. Lots of gray in an aura
means secretive.
Around the head and feet shows growth. Industry and organization. Around the chakras shows a need to cleanse. Brown can
reflect specific problem areas physically.
Protection and a shield from outside energies. Lots of black can mean secrets or physical imbalance.
Twinkling Lights - Great creativity, fertility, and can often indicate pregnancy.
Strengthening & Protecting Your Aura
Proper diet, exercise, and fresh air are very important. Limit your use of alcohol, tobacco, or drugs as they will weaken
your aura. Stress, mental disorders, emotional trauma, worry and fear will also weaken your aura.
To strengthen your aura you should get plenty of physical exercise, cleanse the bowels to remove toxins, and meditate. Music
can be very helpful in strengthening an aura (especially Gregorian Chants for 10 min. a day). If you wish to listen to something
other than the chants try classical or elemental music that you like.
Fragrance is another good way to strengthen your aura. Smudging with sage is highly recommended. Incense and essential oils
can help counter disease and illness. Sage and Sweet grass should be used for cleansing and balancing and frankincense for
cleansing and protection.
Quartz Crystals at least 1 inch work well to strengthen your aura. Double terminated Quartz (point out of both ends) should
be carried in one's pocket for maximum protection.