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Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays


- Questions and Answers for Parents of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual,
and Transgender People


  1. You've just found out your child is gay, lesbian or bisexual.
  2. Is my child different now?
  3. Why did he or she have to tell us?
  4. Why didn't he or she tell us before?
  5. Why is my child gay?
  6. Why am I uncomfortable with my child's sexuality?
  7. Should we consult a psychiatrist or psychologist?
  8. Will he or she be ostracized, have trouble finding or keeping a job, or even be physically attacked?
  9. How do I reconcile this with my religion?
  10. What about HIV/AIDS?
  11. Are there special legal concerns for my child?
  12. We have accepted the situation - but why must they flaunt it?
  13. Will my child have a family of his or her own?
  14. How do we tell family and friends?
  15. What will the neighbours say?
  16. How can I support my child?
  17. Will I ever learn to deal with this?
  18. Recommended Books and Videos

We Are Parents of Gay Persons

New windows of understanding have opened to us. We are committed to help change attitudes and create an environment of understanding so that our gay, lesbian and bisexual children can live with dignity and with respect.

One father of a gay son learned to understand the truth about homosexuality in discussions with representatives of PFLAG. He also learned to communicate better with his gay son. Now the whole family is happier and closer.

"When our daughter learned about her brother being gay, she wrote to him and asked, 'What is it like to be homosexual?' My son wrote her back, 'What is it like to be heterosexual?'


[Before Coming Out to your Parents] [Be Yourself] [Our Daughters and Sons] [About Our Children]
[Definitions Used]


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Last updated: 07/03/2002

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