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Family Outings

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Papa and Grammie came over from PNG to visit us.  We all had so much fun.  Here's Ashley soaking it in. Mariah and Grammie So much for the stereo type of missionaries suffering.  This camp sight on a beach 45 min. from our home in Sentani had more lobsters than we knew what to do with. Every great cook needs a "Great White Hunter"
Miss Titanic Wanna-be

Watermelon at the Beach.JPG (111226 bytes)

"God, I'm sorry that I was so naughty today." Caring for the baby Indonesian style.

Our next door nieghbor has spoiled us so much since we've been her.  Carolyn has become close friends with her.  Here Ibu Bustomi is holding a birthday cake Carolyn made for her.

Carolyn and Magdelina Ashley's new friend Mariah and Co.