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    Fans (W/Email) Opinion Date
    78)The Dead Crow
    From:Detroit, MI

    Opinion on The Crow Salvation

    "I have had the chance to purchase The Crow: Salvation and would like to give my review of the movie.

    It seemed like it was going to start out as a half way decent movie, but not long into it I started to get pissed off with the way Eric Mabius was destroying everything Brandon Lee did to make the movie great.

    First off, while playing the role of The Crow you are supposed to be mysterious and not talk a lot. Eric Mabius did not do either of them, he talked way to much and he wasn't very mysterious.

    Another thing that made this movie horrible was that Eric Mabius was speaking about the murder of his girlfriend in third person. As far as I can remember, when Brandon Lee played the role of The Crow he was straight forward about why he was there and he didn't refer to himself in the third person.

    Now the worst thing about this movie is that it is a complete knockoff of the first two in the series. The Crow: Salvation combines both of them. One murder is just like one in the original movie and the next is like The Crow: City of Angels. Could they come up with an original script?

    I would not recommend anybody seeing this movie. It is a complete was of time and money. Maybe the next one will be better, but with DMX playing The Crow, I don't think that will happen.

    I nominate myself to play the part of The Crow when they decide to make the fifth movie in the series. "


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