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Looking for tips to Crime-Proof your home? Here are some:

AK State Troopers Crime Prevention Page

Lighting is the burglars worst enemy! use interior and exterior lighting, with timers if your away. These are inexpensive and can make it appear your home is occupied.


This is a currant sale at X10.com, this can also have a camera installed in it!!

The Floodlight below has a wireless camera!
This is a great deal, floodlight with camera !

If you are not leaving lights on when it is dark, your inviting prowlers to get closer to your property!  If your worried about the electrical bill, get motion detectors that only work when something moves!  (Note these go off when it is windy though)
If you can not tell when your lights go on, you can get a buzzer that will notify you when they activate!
If your light becomes "loose" or burns out quickly- you may have someone prowling your property aggressivly!  Set up dual zones- so that before the detector itself can be reached, another comes on!

If your recording your camera's and your house is burglarized, they will take your vcr if they see it (or just the tape)!  To keep this from happening, ask a neighbor to record your wireless camera next door! You can both do this and that way you will have the video even if they destroy/steal your camera! (Range for wireless is between 100-300 feet though)

Links to Some great home protection pages, let us know if you know of some!

We can help you install these items if you desire! We may also be able to loan some if you dont wish to purchase them, call for availibility. 

This is a higher priced set:
The Wasilla Patrol can install this for you !