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We had our first meeting for starting a Neighborhood Crime Watch on 5/31/06- Read about it here!

We had about 20 people attend the initial meeting and it was a sucess! Many good ideas were put out and I will list as much as I can here as soon as possible! Please check back on this page for updated information next week! Unfortunately I had to leave at 9pm and missed the end result, anyone who attended- please call or email me and let me know what I missed!  Thanks!

If you are interested in creating the Neighborhood Crime Watch, please email me and let me know. I will add you to a list of people who are interested. I would also suggest that you get a new email address to use for this so that it will not clutter up your private email.  You can make one for free at hotmail.com.  I would suggest using WNW(then your first name and last initial) so it can be easilly remembered, i.e. wnwronm@hotmail.com   the WNW is for Wasilla Neighborhood Watch. 

Attendees at the meeting:
Sgt. French of the Alaska State Troopers
He informed us that there are up to 5 Troopers on duty at any one time, if there is no training going on, sick calls, serious incidents occurring. This means their responce time can be 30 minutes for a non injury crime  The Troopers will be building a sub-station on Pittman road soon, which will help keep a trooper nearer to us.  Of high importance was his mentioning of the Alaska Statutes 11.81.300 that cover justification and defense. He recommends you read this so that your aware of your rights and responsibilities prior to use of force.  There are civil liabilities that could cause you to lose a large amount of money, or your home! 
Questions raised were about juveniles being released after numerous crimes, what can we do. Also how can we prevent some of the racing teenagers on four wheelers, snow machines, etc. The homeowners President stated this is covered in the homeowners by-laws and that the drivers must be licensed!
Safety/Security Notes:
Doors: Have 3 inch screws in your door frames, not the little ones.
Lights: Have motion sensor lights, they startle the unaware & criminals
Look for areas that could be used to gain entry without being observed.

Please leave us a message on the guestbook as to what you would like to see in a neioghborhood watch!