Wasilla Community Patrol

Sexual Offenders in the Valley

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One of our (The Vally's) children, a 3 year old; was recently reported to have been sexually assaulted by a 22 year old male.  If you care to make a donation to this childs next birthday (s) please click below- you can pay via pay pal which is totally secure and we will post the amount weekly that has been depositied into her account.  We will verify this donation can only be used for the needs of this child.  I have started it with $10- please donate, I would love to see this child get a beautiful  gift every holiday from "The Valley".  you can read the article below.

Click here to see the ADN article

Your contribution will go directly to the child listed above.  Your payment amount will be posted here with your initials and the amount given, unless you wouldn't mind showing your name.  This will be updated weekly and will be delivered through law enforcement- I do not even know the childs name at this time.  I can also pick up the donation if you would like. You will receive a receipt for this action.

Did you know we have over 150 REGISTERED Sexual Offenders in the Valley?  Does one live next to you?

Sex Offenders in Wasilla
Click to see larger map, make a donation to get the street level google map with names &charges!

This picture shows most of the REGISTERED Sexual Offenders in the valley, if you would like a actual google map that you can zoom in on or a printout  that lists names, color pictures, offenses with street address's and places of work- contact the patrol, I can deliver one to you in color for a $5 donation to the patrol- How many live near you?   841-2738  Please help us help protect our children!

AK State Troopers Sexual Assault Prevention Page

AK State Troopers Childrens Crime Prevention Page

Is there a rapist, kidnapper, child rapist or sexual abuser living on your street?  You would be surprised where they are!  I have a list with address's if your interested.  I have mapped out the locations, if you are able to make a donation to the patrol of $15-20 I would be glad to come by and deliver you a complete copy with photos, their living/work address's and the map of wasilla showing thier locations so you can help protect your family.  Most criminals have only been caught once- but they have been active for a long time- don't let your child be playing next to a child rapist- find out today where they are at. 
Note: I am updating the google map to show the date of the offense, understand that most of these offenders have committed their crime(s) years ago, paid their "debt to society" and have not had further problems, some of them were very young when they were charged also.  It would be best for you not to make contact with them or bother them, this map is just so that you can educate your children about who not to go near, who strangers are, and where not to play.  Your better off teaching your children how to protect themselves then to make contact with these persons- everyone deserves a right (once) to change- many of these persons have never committed another sexual crime and are trying to move on and be productive memebrs of OUR society- if you never knew who they were before, you probably have little to worry about.  Be Safe!


Thank you for caring, please let your neighbors know about this program!