Astral Senshi Characters
Here is a listing of all the main characters in The Astral Senshi.  If you haven't read the fic yet, or haven't read all of it yet, don't click on a character that you haven't seen yet.  That's because there are spoilers throughout these profiles, and viewing the profile of a character you haven't seen yet might spoil the whole thing.  Okay?  Good.

The Senshi

Sailor Zephyr
Sailor Vega
Sailor Inferno
Sailor Andromeda
Sailor Io
Sailor Orion
Sailor Arcturus
Sailor Spica
Sailor Nova

Other Characters

Dani's guardian bird (yes, a guardian bird.  Hey, stranger things have happened).  He was the one who found all the Sailors (most of them anyway).  He also gives the Sailors their magical items (the Lava Gem, Star Scepter, etcetera) and first taught them how to use their powers.

Caoimhe Ni Foghlu (it's pronounced really funky, like Quee-va ni Foglu...I'm not even sure myself):
Lilia's best friend outside of the senshi.  She isn't an Astral senshi (and never will be either), and she doesn't know Lilia's (or anyone else's) identity as a senshi.

King Styx and Queen Pasiphae:
The King and Queen of Labyrinth...actually it should be Queen and King since it was a matriarchal society.  There's some weird deal about the legitimacy of the princess... Zephyr is only the daughter of Pasiphae and not Styx.  No, Pasiphae did not have an affair, this is explained in the prologue.

Bad Guys

Sailor Astros (first season)
The Death Duchesses:
Ladies Diabla and Espirita, from Planet Darkdeath.  They came to Earth to find the senshi, because they want to kill all of them, and all the other people who were from Astro in the Silver Millennium.  The reason is because people from Darkdeath were oppressed and used as slaves by the inhabitants of Labyrinth at that time, so the Death Duchesses organized a rebellion.  They gathered up four warriors who had suffered from prejudice by the Labyrinthians (so they'd want to kill them) and went to ambush the palace, destroying it and most of the inhabitants.  The rest will be in the new rewritten prologue, which I'll have soon.

The Death Duchesses' first warrior.  His attacks deal with darkness, and he's rather reclusive.  The Death Duchesses recruited him after an Labyrinthian slave owner whipped his brother to death for trying to run away, and used psychological tactics to encourage his hate of the Labyrinthians.

The Death Duchesses' second warrior.  He always throws knives, and his attacks revolve around that.  He's kind of sadistic/masochistic, fascinated by pain and death, like Dr. Kevorkian.  They got this guy when he was put in jail for trying to murder his slaveowner's sons.

She's an evil Sailor Nova, and the Death Duchesses kidnapped her from the palace and contorted her memories to make her hate the Labyrinthians and the King and Queen.  They made her think that the reason her planet Okouri was destroyed was because of the King and Queen.  She later gets healed though, and takes a human form, yay.

The fourth warrior to the Death Ladies, her attacks deal with the sun and fire.  She's sorta in love with Cuchillo (for some reason), and she's not really that evil (the Death Duchesses must have done something wrong in their mind control of her).  She's really sorta nice to the senshi when she disguises herself as a human.  The Duchesses took her as their warrior after her whole family was killed in a hate crime some Astran committed against a bunch of Darkdeath people.

the second season
None yet...I'm not doing the Ptolemy thing anymore, I have another idea but you'll have to wait to see what it is...
